Recent content by kfcman289

  1. K

    (WAMC) What are my chances for matching into Dermatology?

    State University in the Midwest. Took a year off for an MPH. Step 1-- 253 16 publications, 5 of them derm related Honored half of rotations. Most likely will not make AOA. Don't have super close connections with the derm faculty, hoping to have more exposure over the next few months as I do...
  2. K

    Does 730-5 Ortho Exist?

    Thanks for your reply. To give more specifics, suppose I was a hand surgeon working at an academic center in an urban city. Do you have a better idea of what those hours would be like? Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile
  3. K

    Ortho hours for an attending

    Hi all, I'm currently a third year student with a very strong interest in orthopedics. Through my shadowing, research, and interactions with the orthopedic staff at my institution I really enjoy the field and much of what it has to entail. I know it has an especially grueling residency, but I...
  4. K

    Does 730-5 Ortho Exist?

    Hey, I made a post similar to this but I wanted to ask a more direct question. How common is it to see ortho's in private practice work 730-5 days, especially in non-trauma subspecialities such as hand surgery? I understand that the hours would probably be more in an academic hospital, but is...
  5. K

    The mid level threat to derm

    Should I be afraid? I have heard that the hoards of cosmetologists and PA’s will soon come charging down the hills claiming to be able to cure your acne and skin conditions. Do people who are actually involved in dermatology believe that this will be a threat to salary/ patient number in the...
  6. K

    Ortho hours/lifestyle

    What are typical hours in an outpatient setting? I understand it’s a broad question so I appreciate your help. If you could also list some hours for certain sub specialties that would be great Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile
  7. K

    Ortho hours/lifestyle

    Thanks for your reply. Do you have a rough idea of what hours are like for an attending? Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile
  8. K

    Orthopedic hours

    Hi, can someone tell me what hours are like in ortho/ what a normal day is like? I know it will obviously change based on where you work etc., but I just want to get a general idea as to how it compares to other surgical specialties. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile
  9. K

    Ortho hours/lifestyle

    Hey, I’m a medical student interested in ortho. For those who are in ortho, can you tell me what the hours are like/ what a normal day is like? I understand that ortho requires less hours than other surgery specialities, but I would like a better idea overall. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone...
  10. K

    Ortho vs Derm

    Hi, I am a medical student who is considering between orthopedic surgery and derm. I find both interesting but want to know how they differ in terms of satisfaction, hours, compensation, etc. Can someone list how these factors compare for the two specialites? Thanks!
  11. K

    Rx Vs Kaplan

    Can someone tell me which is more useful? I'm going to start M2 soon. I have heard that Kaplan has some unnecessary info on it, but I've also heard that Rx might be too easy. . Thoughts?
  12. K

    2015-2016 University of South Florida Application Thread

    Can someone please send me a link to the facebook page and the google doc? I can't find it anywhere,
  13. K


    During a recent interview, I was asked what my opinion on Zika was, and I said that I didn't know what it was. Considering how big the issue is in the news, how much do you think this will negatively affect me?
  14. K

    How should I cancel my secondary application?

    Hi, I want to pull my application from a couple of schools that I have not yet sent my secondary to. I might apply to these schools in the future. Should I email the schools and tell them that I want my application to be pulled, or should I just wait for the deadline to pass? Basically, I do...