Recent content by Law2Doc

  1. L

    Thoughts on "Only become a doctor if you can't imagine doing anything else"?

    It's not so much that you'll regret it, it's just that it's a much longer path, harder, more overnights, more emotionally draining than many other paths that if you go into it thinking it's just a "job" you'll regret it. So you really have to look before you leap and think long and hard about...
  2. L

    Career-changers, how do you know that you'll get job satisfaction from being a doctor?

    Shadow, volunteer and take lots and lots of time on this decision (i.e. Years). Medicine can be a great job for the right person but absolutely is not for everyone, and you don't want to fall into a grass only seems greener situation. Definitely don't run to medicine just because you dislike...
  3. L

    Realistically, will midlevels affect our future?

    It's a double edged sword. Physician extenders are a good way to provide less expensive medical care to more people. So the government loves the idea. But let's not kid, the amount of schooling and training a physician gets dwarfs that of any NP or PA. So it's totally an issue of patient care...
  4. L

    Dentistry vs Medicine ?

    Nobody "likes" working crazy long hours. The question is do you enjoy what you are doing within those long hours enough to get past the fact that this is most of your life now. That's the issue with medicine -- you really won't ever have the ideal "work - life balance" so you'd better really...
  5. L

    Should I go into medicine?

    More people than you think get such jobs, probably even someone you know -- they just aren't allowed to advertise that fact.
  6. L

    How does undergrad physiology contrast to medical school physiology?

    Bear in mind that the "dirty little secret" in med school is that the grades in the clinical years, especially the first year, barely count --they have very little bearing on your future. It's foundation, and some of that stuff is fair game for step 1, but how you do isn't going to make or break...
  7. L

    How many hours constitute "significant research experience" sans phd?

    I agree most applicants generally don't have publications, and you don't need one to get into med school, but at the research heavy schools ( the top of the research rankings) the number of people listed somewhere on a paper or poster is higher than those figures.
  8. L

    How many hours constitute "significant research experience" sans phd?

    For premeds who on average don't have much research both look good. But no, it's not similar weight. The hierarchy is: publication is better than presentation which is better than a poster. Within publications there's a hierarchy of journals, generally based on "impact factor" and in all of...
  9. L

    How many hours constitute "significant research experience" sans phd?

    This. Only premeds are focused on hours. To everyone else, significant research is a results oriented term -- did your work lead to a presentation, poster or manuscript, a good LOR from your PI or at least a good topic for discussion at your interview. Nobody really cares how many hours you...
  10. L

    Pharmacy student from India. What are my chances of getting into a good medical school?

    First, assuming you are posting about US schools, all US med schools are good schools because there are relatively few of them compared to US undergrads, so your question as a foreign grad should be how can I get into "any" US med school, not a "good" med school. Coming from outside the system...
  11. L

    Med school in one area, move to another area for residency?

    It's not unrealistic to be in different locations for med school and residency. When you interview you will be asked about ties to the area though, as places use that to gauge whether you would actually come if accepted/ranked. What might be unrealistic (depending on specialty) is that you...
  12. L

    How do residents find the time to run errands?

    Yeah, bear in mind that medicine doesn't respect the sanctity of weekends like other fields. Your one day off in seven during residency could just as easily be mid week. So, problem solved -- you can spend that day at the DMV and bank. :)
  13. L

    Will I have time to invest in real estate, etc. as a physician?

    They may call themselves "high level investors" but their brokers likely see them as patsies. In good economies they'll do as well as everyone else, in bad they'll be taken. It's nice to pretend you are a master of many things but frankly in and out of medicine you'll rarely be on par with the...
  14. L

    Most dry campus med schools and social med school

    When you are holed up in the library studying, or spending an overnight on the wards, the last thing you want to think about is all the parties you are missing. Misery loves company, so you want to be surrounded by people who are also similarly immersed. There is thus often an inverse...
  15. L

    Should I go into medicine?

    So a very close friend thinks it would be a bad fit but you'd rather take the advice of strangers over the Internet who have never met you... Hmmm, Sounds legit... Med school is not for everyone. You probably want to do some shadowing and volunteering and see if it's something you'd actually...