Recent content by Lccjblu

  1. L

    DDSEP 10

    I had Ddsep 9. The print stuff is really kind of useless. The questions km pretty certain are the same as what’s online. There is an associated text book, which may be valuable to some. Personally I didn’t use it as I used the acing series and society guidelines. The textbook info was too...
  2. L

    What’s a week of GI-attending call like?

    It really depends on your practices environment. I work at a community hospital that does advanced HF (IABP and LVADs), so there are more bleeders than the run of the mill community hospital. We have 10+ GIs in our group so call only happens 1-2 times per month. Getting called in doesn;t happen...
  3. L

    ACG 2021 self assessment test

    Anyone have it (preferably unopened in print form)? Id like to buy it off you.
  4. L

    GI Boards 2021

    Anyone have experience with the board vitals question bank? I have extra CME to use, and prefer question based learning rather than reading a textbook or lectures. Almost done with ddsep9, don’t think they are great questions or explanations for that matter.
  5. L

    Official 2021-2022 Gastroenterology Fellowship Application Cycle

    I feel like most of the places I interviewed at had a primary liver service. I think the differentiating factors to tease out are if you will be first call at any point, how many months you have to do and who is on the service (NPs, interns? etc), what the census is. liver transplant is pretty...
  6. L

    graduating with endoscopy competency

    I'm in my 3rd year of fellowship and I still feel like there's a big gap endoscopy-wise between where the new attendings are and where I am currently, is this normal to feel at this stage? I'm at a large academic center that is high volume. I felt that my endoscopy learning was somewhat delayed...
  7. L

    Looking to buy DDSEP

    Member trainee is $329 just FYI. I bought mine at ddw a little while back before ddsep9 was released and it was $179 for trainees (I was a resident at the time). Will your cme fund pay for it? otherwise maybe check back after boards
  8. L

    Official 2020-2021 GI Fellowship Application Cycle

    its much harder to torque with Pentax and I feel my both my hands get tired more easily (my left because I’m using more dial and my right because I’m having to exert more force to torque). The resolution on Pentax is what bothers me the most though.
  9. L

    Official 2020-2021 GI Fellowship Application Cycle

    Yeah I’m not sure how much walking around the hospital will really add to your experience, and given the current situation I think it creates unnecessary exposure. Where I work even family members are not allowed unless it’s a kid or an adult that is in ICU and imminently dying. i know for my...
  10. L

    Official 2020-2021 GI Fellowship Application Cycle

    the rank list just opened on 9/30. I think you’re fine.
  11. L

    Official 2020-2021 GI Fellowship Application Cycle

    This was the only one when I applied. But I also only applied to about 30 programs. Also note, UCSD required a letter from a gen Med attending... at least when I applied a couple years ago.
  12. L

    Official 2020-2021 GI Fellowship Application Cycle

    This is an existing (and stickied) thread.
  13. L

    Shoes for endoscopy?

    I’ve always had a problem with these, namely the fact that they have holes on the top, which means anything that drips on your shoe could potentially get onto your socks and feet. Those first couple of months scoping, I was so laser focused on just trying to drive the scope that I often had no...
  14. L

    Official 2020-2021 GI Fellowship Application Cycle

    I don’t get the point of listing an abstract twice except to intentionally inflate the number of pubs you have. if it’s a conference abstract that you presented, put it under oral or poster. if your abstract then progressed to a full length manuscript in a journal, you should only then list it...
  15. L

    Official 2020-2021 GI Fellowship Application Cycle

    That's correct. August 12th is the first day that programs can download and view your application.