Recent content by Lem0nz

  1. Lem0nz

    What procedures could a GS realistically do after 5 years of training?

    I definitely do 'full spectrum' surg onc which is exceptionally rare now. I imagine there's probably only ~50 people in the country that practice with this sort of scope. Trade offs are my volumes are now much lower in the big things. I would not meet criteria for what is considered adequate for...
  2. Lem0nz

    What procedures could a GS realistically do after 5 years of training?

    From a practical perspective and because I think people will find it interesting: We have no gyn-onc where I am for many, many hours in any direction. I have been doing TAH/BSO by myself for cancer only. The hoops and hurdles to do so, get credentialed to do so, to get liability insurance to...
  3. Lem0nz

    Did I mess up this interview?

    You botched it completely. The correct answer was unfortunately Dantrolene. You are now ‘do not rank’ because you came across, frankly, as cold bordering on hypothermic in your interview. It is what it is. Wash your hands and move on bro. Edit: Was probably a malignant program anyway.
  4. Lem0nz

    Specialty Choice: Anesthesia or Surgery?

    There are surgeons on this forums (myself included) who can give you an honest and direct answer if you share the underlying problem. It is exceedingly unlikely that someone is going to hunt you down from SDN and figure out who you are in real life to impact your ability at all to progress...
  5. Lem0nz

    ABSITE Studying after Fellowship Acceptance

    Probably same amount as PGY4 but with much less stress. As you go through it start thinking through the questions out loud (and maybe do a lot less questions as a trade off) to translate that to oral boards. Clearly you can axe the immunosuppression and transplant garbage but the actual...
  6. Lem0nz

    Questions regarding fellowship prospects

    Congrats friend. Which subspecialty did you end up doing in the end? HPB?
  7. Lem0nz

    Do residents / fellows ever train in private practice settings?

    At my community general surgery residency 80-85% of all of our attendings were private practice hospital affiliates and not employed by the hospital. Was great. They treated us fantastic and we were apart of the culture. We were not considered a burden and none of them had any issues with teaching.
  8. Lem0nz

    Thoughts on Vascular Surgery?

    I have only two things to add to this thread: 1) A robotic 1st rib resection is orders of magnitude cooler, faster, and more fun for TOS than the two people I saw do it open. 2) Vascular surgeons are literally the most important doctors we train in all of medicine. Because of the existence of...
  9. Lem0nz

    Matching Gen Surg

    Your thread reads like you’ve already limited your rank list to two places. Just as another view point, that is not a thing and not how the match works. No one has brought this up but I would strongly involve your SO in the conversation. What do they do? How long are they going to be in school...
  10. Lem0nz

    Trauma Surgery Schedule?

    Trauma pay is equivalent to general surgery - there is no difference in pay usually or if it is, it is somewhat minor. You can expect 350-400k starting and top off at 450-500k. In academic practice subtract 100-150k. Big difference is shift type work and number of shifts. Most trauma contracts...
  11. Lem0nz

    What operations requires strict NPO?

    Strict NPO is never necessary for surgery in my opinion, really ever. Ice chips and liquid medications even in upper GI surgery are not contra-indicated. If you know you're doing a staple line on the stomach you may not want pills the morning of surgery for a theoretical risk/fear of a pill in...
  12. Lem0nz

    The Book

    Yea this question sounds more fun than it really is. The only even remotely useful abdominal operation you could probably pull off would be an appendectomy and if you're lucky a c-section without murdering a mother and the baby both. The mom will probably die from blood loss or infection though...
  13. Lem0nz

    Questions regarding fellowship prospects

    Ask lots of questions even if they feel redundant. Program specific or not. Come up with a list you can use ahead of time. The more questions you ask the more interested you seem whether that is genuine or not. Don’t be afraid to go off script and talk about non medical things but fill empty...
  14. Lem0nz

    How do you guys feel about the piracy issues with bnb, sketchy, etc?

    Here's my hot take. I don't think medical professionals should be held to a higher standard than any other person. We're people. We make the same mistakes, have the same moral quandaries, are just as error prone as everyone else. I think the higher standard thing is garbage. I am not better than...
  15. Lem0nz

    No longer competitive for ortho - suggestions on next steps?

    Having read your posts, you seem extremely down to earth bud. I would go down radiology, be amazing at it, and if you don’t like it because it’s too boring for you then go deep into IR. I cannot fathom that if you have this risk averse attitude and that you have the maturity to accept that this...