Recent content by LM02

  1. L

    Quickest licensure process?

    On the topic of the EPPP-2, the Texas Board is apparently refusing implementation and there has been a movement to try to get other states on board. More can be found here:
  2. L

    Dissertation Grant Funding - Is it worth it?

    Well, I guess I have a crystal ball. New announcement of how NIH fellowship applications will be reviewed, coinciding a bit with the new, more streamlined review criteria that are being rolled for regular applications in 2025...
  3. L

    Dissertation Grant Funding - Is it worth it?

    Already lots of good advice in this thread, but wanted to reply to this. All career development awards at NIH have a dedicated section of the review critique template that is focused exclusively on the mentors. That is a scored criterion, along with other scored criteria focused on the...
  4. L

    Any thoughts on Suicide Crisis Syndrome?

    The C-SSRS is not going to solve this problem for us as a field.
  5. L

    PhD program for personality disorder research

    Agree with Rutgers - Shireen Rizvi is the top person who comes to mind, even more than Eddie Selby or Evan Kleiman. Katie Dixon-Gordon at UMass Amherst. Any other faculty I can think of are in the south (UGA, Kentucky) or the midwest (Purdue, UMich).
  6. L

    Internship Questions - Competitiveness, Hours, etc.

    At our site, it is also more of a "did you hit this benchmark or not" assessment - once an applicant has met the threshold, it's more about the type of clinical experiences the applicant has had, how they fit into their professional goals and goals for internship, and how they have prepared them...
  7. L

    PhD/PsyD I don't even know what to say anymore...

    Absolutely. I very much appreciate what ACT can teach us about experiential avoidance, experiencing of emotions, and alignment of behavior with personal values. But yeah, RFT, etc. really distract from so much of what otherwise resonates from ACT for so many people.
  8. L

    PhD/PsyD I don't even know what to say anymore...

    You know, I appreciate what was said about Steve Hayes being difficult to understand. I've been in this field for over 20 years, am a full professor with a strong research record in psychotherapy clinical trials, and I honestly don't understand what he's talking about half the time. I had to...
  9. L

    APPIC Internship Drug Tests

    I'm involved in training leadership at my program, and I just want to offer a word of caution about going to HR. At our institution, HR has had ton of turnover in the last several years, and they are perennially confused about psychology interns and the details of their employment relative to a...
  10. L

    APPIC 2024- 2025 Clinical Psychology Internship Interview Thread

    Also, I don't know what your advisor is talking about, because I can name several very successful clinical psych professors who have done their internships at UIC. It's a great department with a stellar academic reputation.
  11. L

    Research education in the post-COVID world

    We see this too, in my AMC setting. We repeatedly explain to people that we - as a program - do not believe that 100% remote work provides a meaningful training experience, and that is what we provide - training. They are free to seek 100% remote work when they are independently working in the...
  12. L

    NIH Loan Repayment Program

    These are typically not even reviewed until Feb/Mar, and the entire federal budget is in limbo right now due to yet another continuing resolution + election year. It's not even worth checking until a few more months from now, at the earliest. Good luck!
  13. L

    Trainee Reimbursement Legislation

    This makes sense. I'm thinking largely of faculty who are operating under heavy RVU expectations in civilian healthcare settings. This is true not only for psychology faculty supervisors but pretty much any medical specialist providing supervision to medical residents, too. The faculty...
  14. L

    Trainee Reimbursement Legislation

    Wanted to add that a lot of people do not realize that faculty supervisors in medical centers typically do not have any compensation for their time providing supervision built into their salary structure. It's not just a private practice issue. And the benefits of getting a faculty appointment...
  15. L

    Unexpected Paternity leave during internship

    I'd just reiterate that the option to request an advance on your leave (if available) might be a nice way to balance out taking paid vs. unpaid time off to be present for your partner and child. It's probably not wise to completely max it out at this phase of the internship, because you might...