Recent content by Logs

  1. Logs

    Endodontists Income/Salary

    I've been an endo associate with over 3 years now. 42% collections. I work 3/days a week and average about 8 completions a day. The pay is great but marketing is the biggest challenge. Some GPs are really fickle and don't have much loyalty to you and will easily start referring to other offices...
  2. Logs

    SAVE repayment plan - will this work?

    I have been trying to figure something out that I hope you guys have an answer to. The biggest issue is the interest in paying the student loans out as fast as possible. I am currently on the PAYE but am thinking of switching to the Save program because it says that if I just pay the minimum the...
  3. Logs

    Federal loan repayment/finance (Resident)

    Well here is my thought process. The way I am tackling the student loans is using the snowball method. These numbers are just examples to make the math easier. Student Loan 1 = $20,000 at 6% -> $100/month of interest Student Loan 2 = $30,000 at 6% -> $150/month Student Loan 3 = $40,000 at 6% ->...
  4. Logs

    Federal loan repayment/finance (Resident)

    I have been trying to figure something out that I hope you guys have an answer to. The biggest issue is the interest in paying the student loans out as fast as possible. I am currently on the PAYE but am thinking of switching to the Save program because it says that if I just pay the minimum the...
  5. Logs

    Endodontics 2017

    From my understanding, the general number of endo programs that accept students still in dental school is lower every year. This could be for various reasons. They do get a lot of people apply from AEGD/GPR residencies so you have to realize that you are competing against those guys who has done...
  6. Logs

    Oversaturated States for Dentists?

    I think you already know why.... ENDO
  7. Logs

    Harvard, PENN, and Columbia ENDO

    From what I heard, some 3rd year endo residents do moonlight. Most programs it's a don't ask don't tell kind of thing.
  8. Logs

    Endodontics 2017

    Good amount of programs accept it
  9. Logs

    Oversaturated States for Dentists?

    i know for a fact that seattle area is oversaturated. Really hard to find a job in this area.
  10. Logs

    lmc aegd

    The reality of my situation is I am just trying to survive until I graduate from Endo in 2 years from now :(
  11. Logs

    lmc aegd

    Im a current LMC resident. Every LMC clinic is different and there really is no way to know which one is good and which on is bad so you have to actually talk to residents there and maybe even visit. For the most part, LMC AEGD programs are located in community health type clinics. Meaning that...
  12. Logs

    Endodontics 2017

    Just FYI NYU-LMC has officially opened their Endo programs back up. They have 2 locations. NY and Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico requires you to speak spanish. So if you know spanish you just increased your chances of getting into a program. So because its Lutheran you do get a stipend (which is...
  13. Logs

    chances of getting into endodontics program right out of school

    It is still very hard to get into a program straight from dental school. Many directors I have spoken to prefer experience outside of dental school for varies reason. Very few programs still "take a chance" with someone right out of dental school but each year the number it seems is getting lower.
  14. Logs

    How does gpr/aegd pay you?

    yeah, a whole lot of taxes which equates to nothing! Im at LMC which pays bi-weekly "$40,000 annual". In reality, you are getting paid $20/hr + tax. It really becomes more like $24,000 per year!
  15. Logs

    Endodontics 2017

    Yeah, UOP interviewed on thursday and gave offers the next day. LSU gave offers that very night after interviews (friday). As far as I know, LSU is also filled.