Recent content by lp430

  1. lp430

    Income, benefits, compensation thread

    I hear ya. I think a lot of med students/residents could miss the doom and gloom on this board and only see this post... i can make $400/hr?!?! Sign me up for EM!
  2. lp430

    Income, benefits, compensation thread

    This feels like when I was reading people's Step scores on SDN. I know the average of ER docs nationally, but curious where the other side of the bell curve is? No shade... seems like some good gigs out there.
  3. lp430

    Your Next Patient: Biological Male Seeks Breastfeeding Help

    Can we please stop the trans outrage? This is not relevant to EM at all and is also not a good faith discussion from the NY Post. It just further serves to try and rile people up. This is a vulnerable patient population that often avoids or has a negative interaction with the healthcare system.
  4. lp430

    Yale M.D. says all doctors should be forced to wear BODYCAMS because of racist “medial violence” against patients she personally witnessed by ED staff

    Putting bodycams aside, I'm curious with all these people denouncing CRT, how many people have studied/read CRT books before coming to those conclusions? Books like "How to be an anti-racist" by Ibram X. Kendi have helped change my world view and I would highly recommend.
  5. lp430

    Yale M.D. says all doctors should be forced to wear BODYCAMS because of racist “medial violence” against patients she personally witnessed by ED staff

    People I do not want to hear from: # 1: non-ER docs telling us, ER docs, how to do our job # 2: Jordan Peterson
  6. lp430

    What is your rich life like?

    I still have some occasional stress from healthcare expenses, which has been my biggest expense since finishing residency (thanks US healthcare... don't get me started). I paid off most of my med school loans while I was doing locums and didn't have any undergrad debt, thanks to the military...
  7. lp430

    What is your rich life like?

    I have 2 part time jobs, working around full-time hours. I used to travel, but got tired of it. Plus, the politics aren't great these days in a lot of the places I get offers to work. Instead of trying to figure everything out at once, I have started to ask myself "what is the next best step?"...
  8. lp430

    What is your rich life like?

    Ironically, my life has become more "rich" the less I worry about money. I am happier now than when I was earning almost twice as much. I live in a beautiful place and am able to enjoy many things outside of work. I am still trying to find my sweet spot with work, but for now, am grateful to...
  9. lp430

    33 year old thinking of applying for tier 1 MBA

    To the OP, I was in your shoes 2 years ago (30 yrs old at the time). I was working fulltime locums and started studying for the GMAT with dreams of leaving the pit behind so I could attend a prestigious MBA school. The deeper I got into it, the more I realized it didn't fit into my long term...
  10. lp430

    Violence in the ED

    At my current shop, our active shooter plan is calling maintenance and the police. I work in an area where I assume at least half my patients/families are carrying. But seriously, what is maintenance gonna do?
  11. lp430

    soon to be new grad, interested in locums position

    I was in your shoes a few years ago. I am now several years out of residency and have almost exclusively travelled out of state to work. The big downsides and why I am leaving full-time travel work are: 1. As others have said in this thread, traveling gets old. I have all the airport perks...
  12. lp430

    Status Migrainosus

    Wasn't there a NYC ER doc that gave propofol to abuse patients while in a room with them alone? (Obviously an extreme example) I'd avoid it for the optics alone. I'll stick with my droperidol/Haldol.
  13. lp430

    USACS Denver pays EM docs 20 bucks an hour

    My significant other works in academics (non-medicine) so they need to be in a large University setting. Seems like if you want a well paying ER job these days, we have to be in the middle of nowhere. I know I'm overgeneralizing, but that's what it feels like to me.
  14. lp430

    Fly out for shifts?

    Crazy that this is where the market is right now. I also know a few people who do this in EM. When I was in med school, I never imagined a career where I would fly multiple times per month. If you're flying somewhere for shifts, presumably it's a more rural area? Do they even have business...