Recent content by Mahasashi

  1. M

    Comlex II failure need help

    I am writing to ask for help. My girlfriend failed comlex II and we need help to figure out the best program to coach her one and help her pass. I found this program called north western medical review one on one coaching. Does anyone know if that is good? This is the only board failure she has...
  2. M

    ARNG deployments and risk of WIA

    I just finished MS-II and am very eager to join ARNG, but going in I just want to know what the general risks are of coming out wounded in action. I want to serve my country and am only asking this to find out real information from anyone who knows.
  3. M

    Army ARNG vs. ANG

    Are there any ANG incentives for residents like an officer accession bonus like AMMED has?
  4. M

    Dismissed from SGU, re-starting with new Masters and MCAT

    To respond to @feeling-dizzy yes I did start medical school at 20. I graduated early from college in the US and skipped grades when I was younger. I am enrolled in my masters now (which is not doable without a B.A.) And currently I have emailed some advisors and will probably call them later...
  5. M

    Dismissed from SGU, re-starting with new Masters and MCAT

    For people asking why I went to Caribbean, honestly I did not know about DO schools. I graduated early from college. I was pretty young when I entered college (I skipped a couple grades). I would say I was a bit immature not researching everything about medical schools before I applied, but I...
  6. M

    Dismissed from SGU, re-starting with new Masters and MCAT

    Im reading all the responses, and just wanted to add one bit of info. In my undergrad, I didn't know about DO schools and didn't apply. My GPA was a 3.3 and MCAT was a 31. I wasn't the top of my class, but I was decent. That's the full spectrum of my academia before SGU.
  7. M

    Dismissed from SGU, re-starting with new Masters and MCAT

    So, at the end of August 2014, I failed my 4th term at SGU. I tried to go back to SGU, but they said the decision was final. For a year I was picking myself up, I was volunteering at a cardiology department and tried going back to school for a masters or something, no one would take me with a...
  8. M

    International, Carribean vs Australia vs Ireland vs US DO/MD

    Cause Im looking for feedback from any students who actually went to the Queensland or Ireland Programs.
  9. M

    International, Carribean vs Australia vs Ireland vs US DO/MD

    I know ideally I'd want to get into a US school, but there is a good chance due to how competitive that I may not be able to. In the case that I cannot, I know many individuals go abroad to do medicine because their goal is to become a doctor. Of the foreign programs I have actually heard...
  10. M

    International, Carribean vs Australia vs Ireland vs US DO/MD

    Hi. I am a premedical student. US grad from college a few years ago with a 3.2 GPA. Nontraditional Student, I worked as a spanish translator in a medical officer for 2 years and studied for my MCAT scoring a 33. Im applying to medical schools. I am applying pretty late in the cycle for DO and...