Recent content by MDwoman

  1. M

    Interested in moving permanently to Australia

    Hello, I am an MD who is working as a hospitalist in the US (MD in the US, residency in the US, post-residency work in the US) who is hoping to move to Australia (not an Australian citizen) and work as a hospitalist or do an intensive care fellowship there. I am wondering: A) What resources...
  2. M

    Official 2016 Anesthesiology Match Day Results!

    Weee! Going to Stanford, my number 1!!
  3. M

    2016 Match Rank List Thread

    Lol true story. But I didn't feel like it was an obscene amount more of work. Plus nice amenities for the residents...
  4. M

    Anesthesia interview dates?

    So when we get interview e-mails...can we "pick" the date? or do they give us the dates? I have an away rotation at my number 1 spot in late Oct - late Nov b/c that's when I could schedule it. My reasoning was that they would understand that I have to go on interviews. But if we can "pick"...
  5. M

    Away Rotation at UCSF

    Hello All, I'm a 4th year at a medical school in the North East and am hoping to eventually match in California for residency, and am doing an away rotation with UCSF, the advanced clinical clerkship in anesthesia. I'm not sure what to expect/expectations of me from the rotation and would...
  6. M

    Away rotations needed for Anesthesia?

    Hi guys, Congratulations to everyone on their match! I'm currently a 3rd year at a school in the NE, and I'm planning to apply in Anesthesia next year. I am hoping to match in a California school, particularly Stanford, UCSF, or Davis over UCLA, USC, etc. They are all great programs, but my...
  7. M

    Anesthesiology Residency in California

    Thanks for responding ProEra! I guess my primary concern is -- do you think I need research? I've been trying to maximize my studying while spending time with my family...and have sacrificed research (but not my academics) to do that. So for anesthesiology residency, do you think I should try...
  8. M

    Anesthesiology Residency in California

    So I know there have been a few of these in the past, but I would really love some advice and help. Here are my details: I go to decent medical school on the East Coast Step 1: 252 Activities: President of my AMWA chapter, Student Council for Medical School Research: None. I have a first...
  9. M

    2011-2012 Boston University Application Thread

    True story, I didn't get a call my from my interviewer, just a rather frightening "BUSM Application Status Update" e-mail on a Sunday that I was pretty sure was a rejection, but it turned out not to be! Exciting stuff...good luck to everyone! :-)
  10. M

    2011-2012 Boston University Application Thread

    I feel your pain. I have a husband and a dog that are coming with me, and I'm looking at areas like JP, and perhaps Fenway. They're a bit cheaper than the areas around South End and still close enough through the BU shuttle. Hope things work out!
  11. M

    Boston University School of Medicine class of 2016!!!!

    Not a bad idea! I'm definitely coming there in the fall :-) Anyone else pretty sure?
  12. M

    2011-2012 BU vs. NYU vs. USC - SHOWDOWN!

    Personally, I'd go with BU, but again I'm biased because that's where I'll probably choose. Boston is a great environment to go to school, with a lot of young people around. It is easy to get around the city, and while the tuition is more expensive at BU than NYU, it's a lower cost of...
  13. M

    2011-2012 Georgetown Application Thread

    Interviewed 11/3/11...good luck!
  14. M

    2011-2012 Georgetown Application Thread

    just got mine via e-mail. It comes to you as a status update on your login page. Best of luck to everyone!! :)
  15. M

    2011-2012 Boston University Application Thread

    +1 Quite excited, definitely my top choice! :love: