Recent content by medgator

  1. M

    Med student trying to understand the field

    Astro workforce study which was done after much hand wringing and was watered down... Still shows an eventual oversupply. Or perhaps ask yourself where the "evidence" came for residencies to expand as much as they did since the turn of the century? Especially during an era of less treatment of...
  2. M

    Med student trying to understand the field

    No different than PP where you are paid per CPT code. 💯 Unfortunately when you have an oversupply, this kind of crap happens and is accepted by someone eventually
  3. M

    Med student trying to understand the field

    The biggest difference is that derm/plastics/GU etc are smart enough to control their numbers coming out while we are full bore off the cliff at this point with residency expansion and the prisoner's dilemma
  4. M

    Rad Onc Twitter

    I think it's perfectly emblematic of ASTROs problems with membership and connecting with those ROs outside of the academic industrial complex. Quite frankly mantz is the kind of insular candidate that is going to get through the nomination process and keep leading the organization to nowhere
  5. M

    Rad Onc Twitter

    It was a murder suicide. So sad for that family
  6. M

    Rad Onc Twitter

    Hopefully they will call said doxxed members places of work as well and harrass them through their employers.
  7. M

    Prostate NCCN Guideline Changes (Risk Stratification)

    I had been using decipher quite a bit, a lot of payors cover it and sometimes I just need a tie breaker, nice to see an oncotype DX type thing finally make it into the guidelines for PCa I'll have to check out the update, thanks
  8. M

    ASCO 2024

    inpatient admissions for infections, leaks, breaks in tx etc
  9. M

    ASCO 2024

    Less common now but definitely a few years ago. Pretty good predictor of needing a treatment break or them ending up in the hospital and getting a forced treatment break
  10. M

    RADICALS HD published

    Orgovyx claim to fame is rapid T/🦴 recovery (maybe because of poor compliance, but not hard to draw T levels while they are on it).
  11. M

    ASCO 2024

    For those of us > 60 miles from an esophagectomy center of excellence, maybe it'll change the game for some but not all patients. Moreover, this data is all from a pre IO era. Many of us don't feel comfortable treating to 41.4 to begin with because it's a dice roll for many of my patients on...
  12. M

    Rad Onc Twitter

    I honestly don't see the point of doing either
  13. M

    ASCO 2024

    Gastric vs GE-J. I agree XRT is already pretty much dead in gastric CA