Recent content by megkudos

  1. M


    Do not delete these instructions. :) To reply to the thread, click on the quote button above, and then delete the QBs. PLEASE ALPHABETIZE Alphacentauri: *Stanford--UMich, Hopkins, Georgetown, Mayo, Yale analu: *Hawaii -- ... AtYourCervix...
  2. M

    Declining a RWJ Acceptance? Anyone? Bueller, Bueller?

    Hey all :) I sent my withdrawal to Robert Wood a couple of days ago. I've decided to go to NJMS :) Good luck :)
  3. M

    NJ Residents: RWJ vs. NJMS

    Hi:) I was accepted to both schools this year and I've decided to attend NJ Med. It was a really hard decision though. I just like the school atmosphere and the clinical experience of Newark. Robert Wood is "ranked" for primary care. Dr. Sieden, a dean of admissions at Robert Wood said that...
  4. M

    Future medical class of 2006 classmates

    Adding the first to New Jersey Medical. Anybody else? (DO NOT DELETE THESE INSTRUCTIONS!!!) Instructions for posting: Make sure to indicate the school at the top. Just click on the quotes icon (above right at end of date line) to retain the bold and delete the quote codes at beginning (along...
  5. M

    who here smokes?

    smoker here. since i was 15. I'm not as bad as I used to be, but with alcohol is my downfall:)
  6. M

    Voy a ser una doctora!!!!! I GOT IN!!!!!!!

    Yeahhhhhhhh Dr. Foxy!!!!!!!!!! I am soso happy for you. I knew you'd get in. And I'm so happy that you got into Finch, I know you liked it there :) Yippeeeeee :) Now go celebrate!!!!! :clap: <img border="0" alt="[Clappy]"...
  7. M

    when to apply if I HAVE to take classes in the fall?

    Most schools will wait till they get your MCAT scores to screeen your application. They will not wait until they get your fall grades to screeen your application. In fact may schools will not use the fall grades at all. You can have them sent when they come out, but they will not affect your...
  8. M

    What are you planning on doing this summer BEFORE med school starts?

    Working at the pool in the sun with the kids at the job I love as a lifeguard/pool manager. Then in the beinning of August going to Cali with the fam for a week then school starts August 12th. Yipeee!! I wish summer would come now!!! It certainly feels like it's here in New Jersey at ~90 today!
  9. M

    I got in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yipeeeee!! That's awesome :) Congrats :)
  10. M

    Don't want my brain to die!

    There's so much to do over the summer, so much stuff that's A LOT more fun than studying. I wouldn't worry about your brain dying, it'll come back in September, trust me. If you really want to intellectually stimualate yourself, try reading some books for fun. Or read about something that...
  11. M

    Where to live at Robert Wood J?

    New Brunswick and Highland Park are both on the border of Piscataway. Rutgers is in both New Brunswick and Piscataway and RWJ first two years are in Piscataway and RWJ Hospital is in New Brunswick. In other words, they are all really close to each other but it's not like you can walk from one...
  12. M

    Where to live at Robert Wood J?

    Hi:) I live in New Brunswick now and go to Rutgers (right accross the river from RWJ). It's gonna be hard getting around this area without a car, to be honest. I'm not sure how you'd manage food shopping and stuff like that, all the stores aren't really accessible unless you have a car. One...
  13. M

    Please help,desperate:will take Aug MCAT and reapply: do Adcoms wait for new scores?

    If you put on your AMCAS that you are tkaing the August MCAT schools will wait until they recieve your August scores to review your application. Just get your app in early and you should still be ok.....good luck...
  14. M

    severe senioritis

    Hey this is a good place to post a question I've been wondering..... I have (thankfullY) been accepted already and I am worryed I might get a C in one of my classes. Do you think there's any chance that the adcoms would recind my acceptance in this case provided I did well in my other classes...
  15. M


    Many of my friends that took Kalan have said that the actual test was easier. Most importantly though you are scoring consistently very decent, so I wouldn't worry. In my experience the best breakdown if you get around a 28/29 is to have your verbal score be a little lower and Bio and...