Recent content by Momohime

  1. Momohime

    NPTE While waiting for the NPTE results

    It's never fun having to wait for exam results. For the NPTE, it's about 6 days of waiting. To help understand the results, here's "What Your NPTE Score Means." And if you are waiting for your results, "Don't Be An Examzilla!"
  2. Momohime

    NPTE Improving NPTE scores with strategies on picking out keywords

    Here's a post that has been helping many PT/PTA candidates increase their scores by picking out keywords. It's the same technique I used to improve my own exam score. Increase Your NPTE Score By Effectively Picking Out Keywords
  3. Momohime

    October 2019 NPTE

    There are different exams provided during each quarter it may be slightly varied. It's not always true when someone says "all you need is X." I've seen too many that stuck with that to have failed by a few. Regardless, you may be relating to this "Think you failed the NPTE" video. While waiting...
  4. Momohime

    NPTE July 2019

    I'm sorry to hear about not passing. Yes, there are plenty of test-taking strategies that Therapy Exam Prep provides. First, it's about knowing how to approach the question. Then it's recognizing what to do when getting down to the MC answers. As well as being able to systematically eliminate...
  5. Momohime

    NPTE- July 2017

    I'm sorry to hear about not passing - I do have a webinar this Thursday, August 17th at 4:30 pm PST that talks steps "Being Successful." I invite you to attend and see how your next attempt can be successful. Register here to attend.
  6. Momohime

    NPTE- July 2017

    I'm sorry to hear about not passing - I do have a webinar this Thursday, August 17th at 4:30 pm PST that talks steps "Being Successful." I invite you to attend and see how your next attempt can be successful. Register here to attend.
  7. Momohime

    NPTE- July 2017

    I'm sorry to hear about your score. It's not worth doing the score verification or the appeal as no one has succeeded in changing their scores. I wrote about that in the article of "What Your Score Means." Although, it seems like only 2 points away - it sucks - yet, take this time to learn and...
  8. Momohime

    NPTE- July 2017

    Congratulations to all that took the exam. Hopefully, this article "Your NPTE Score: Behind the Scenes" clarifies up some confusion.
  9. Momohime

    Comprehensive Information About the NPTE

    I want to share a comprehensive information resource about the NPTE. The following information can be known about: What is the NPTE? What's tested Format of the exam Taking the exam Scheduling the exam At the testing center Exam Results Retaking the exam
  10. Momohime

    NPTE for 2016 Grads

    Hello, I congratulate you on being proactive on your preparation! If you plan on attending APTA's NSC this month, I'll encourage you to stop by Therapy Exam Prep's Booth and I can talk to you more about what would be the best recommendations. Or you can review what TEP has on the website...
  11. Momohime

    First Year Advice

    Begin preparing for your license exam in order to prevent being overwhelmed at the end.
  12. Momohime

    Looking for NPTE study partner

    There are no NPTE exams taken in November 2015. They are given 4 times a year, once a quarter in January, April, July and October. If you are looking for serious study partners online, TEP has a positive community where the goal is to pass. Be sure to visit and feel free to ask questions...
  13. Momohime

    Scores on practice exams npte 2015 thread

    In this video series of How to Avoid Top Exam Mistakes, I share with you what I have found the correlation of practice exam scores to the actual exam scores from over thousands of examinees in a decade time.
  14. Momohime

    NPTE 2015

    There's no NPTE in December. The NPTE is given 4 times a year, once a quarter in the given months: January, April, July, and October. If you want to prepare and study with others online, I suggest visiting The exam is clinically based rather than academically based.
  15. Momohime

    NPTE How to Avoid Top NPTE/NPTAE Exam Mistakes Video Series

    TEP's latest video series to all that are preparing for the NPTE/NPTAE exams. Before taking the NPTE or NPTAE, you’ll want to be sure to avoid the most common mistakes that 98% of examinees make when taking their board exam. Each examinee that takes the exam should know what mistakes brings...