Recent content by mongoose

  1. M

    funny medical jokes...

    seems lots of people in here need to review anatomy.
  2. M

    funny medical jokes...

    is it pudendal?
  3. M

    Sony Clie or Paml Zire?

    i recommend the pocket pc platform.. i picked up a dell pocket pc for 200 bucks and could not possibly be happier with it.
  4. M

    pot in med school

    good advice from everyone forum: don't feed the trolls!
  5. M

    Knowing what you know now, what degree would u choose to pursue MD or ????

    i'd do a ph.d in chemistry....probably synthetic organic.
  6. M


    yep. that thing you should be looking for is known as a pda.
  7. M

    Anybody not hate medical school?

    OMFG, let me tell you about my anatomy group. talk about "enduring" an anatomy lab partner. this one guy was so out there that about halfway through the class i started to make fun of him within the group. he seemed to not notice so i started to make fun of him to others, and eventually to...
  8. M

    Anybody not hate medical school?

    damn, that's incredible. more power to 'em, i guess. i know studying that much wouldn't work for me. i'd go insane in a relatively short time if i tried it.
  9. M

    Anybody not hate medical school?

    seriously? 3.4 overall in the bottom quartile? from the test scores that get posted, i just don't see how this is possible. there just ain't that many A's being handed out on our tests. anyway, like i said in my previous post i don't really care enough to confirm this through the proper...
  10. M

    Anybody not hate medical school?

    we don't do honors/pass/fail bull****......we are strictly letter grades.
  11. M

    Anybody not hate medical school?

    for a minute there i thought you may have been talking about me. but whenever i make a mess for myself i take the responsibility to clean up the mess myself. i never ask others to "teach me an entire course." hey, i love my 70's and am willing to admit it. heck, i never even shoot for A's...
  12. M

    Kentucky, Louisville, Cincinnati... Im on my knees beggin for info...

    another uk student here....just wanted to add to kygrl's comments. the markey cancer center here is great. the kentucky clinic sees tons of patients. the hospital here is no slouch. the VA is also quite busy. tack on to that the fact that there is a new heart institute slated to open here...
  13. M

    Case problem

    Dude, hang in there. I remember my first year when professors would ask these types of questions all I could offer was blank stares. Now, after being exposed to the stuff multiple times I can offer (sometimes) insightful comments on the cases. Hang in there. It DOES get better.
  14. M

    Case problem

    I thought Dr. Jackson was an extremely good lecturer and overall was a great guy. He was our course director for Physiology. That was at the time when I had dislocated my elbow and broken a bone in my arm, and needed surgery. He was very flexible with allowing me to take tests at alternate...