Recent content by MullerCell

  1. M

    Interesting read
  2. M

    Valuing Goodwill for Solo Practice in Southern CA?

    Seems a bit bizarre that they would not offer you detailed financial information. I would have a CPA that specializes in practice valuation perform an evaluation for you. If they are interested in selling, they should likely pay at least a portion of the cost. This would require several...
  3. M

    Medical Retina as fellowship

    Agree that some current/recent residents that have an interest in retina and are at programs with good exposure can manage bread and butter retina with injections and lasers. However, the vast majority of practicing general ophthalmologists have no interest and their retina skill level...
  4. M

    Testing without charging

    I'm a retina specialist, so I see these type of patients frequently and have to reassure them that their macular pathology had nothing to do with cataract surgery and was likely pre-existing and "just hard to see through the cataract before it was removed". Many patients will have a billable...
  5. M

    Testing without charging

    If you don't have a billable diagnosis, then there is no medical necessity and claim will be denied anyway, so you have to no charge in that instance. I think it is wise to get an OCT on every pre-op cataract patient. If they have a subtle ERM, VMT, or other pathology that you notice after...
  6. M

    Ophthalmic lenses to buy

    As a resident, I used to obsess about all the different lenses and bought way more than needed. The reality is, your ability to examine the posterior segment has nothing to do with the lens you use (assuming you have a normal functioning, clear volk lens). Buy a 90 and 20 and then a 28 if you...
  7. M

    ALERT: Florida optometrists gaining ground with recent bill

    Was told defeated, but I see some blog saying unheard. May just be very unlikely it will ever progress any further? Anyone with clarification should update.
  8. M

    Hospital ER Call Coverage and Compensation

    Often to have ASC privileges you will also need hospital admitting privileges as a requirement. This could be just in the form of courtesy privileges where you don't take ER call or inpatient consults, but not every hospital is willing to offer this. If possible, I would avoid hospital...
  9. M

    RED ALERT: Optometrists petitioning to perform ocular surgery in North Carolina

    If pain from an abrasion is bad enough to make you think the patient needs a narcotic, a bandage contact lens works a whole lot better than any pain medication. Just refer them to an optometrist or ophthalmologist.
  10. M

    RED ALERT: Optometrists petitioning to perform ocular surgery in North Carolina

    I can't understand why an optometrist would ever need to prescribe narcotics. The only time I ever do is a few days worth following a scleral buckle or ruptured globe repair. I don't think they are too interested in these procedures....unpredictable timing, too much skill/work required, and...
  11. M

    Comprehensive path

    I agree with Slide's comments. While it is great if you are in a location that allows for and you have the training to be comfortable/competent performing comp, glaucoma, plastics, retina, peds, ect without a fellowship, this is not the norm. There is obviously a reason these fellowships all...
  12. M

    Medical Retina Salary

    Most of us can take care of 80-90% of uveitis relatively easily and it is the rare/complex stuff that is much more time consuming and challenging that presents an issue. From a financial standpoint, I don't think that many multi-specialty groups truly want to care for these patients. They...
  13. M

    Hospital ER Call Coverage and Compensation

    I think it depends on type of hospital. If you are dealing with a small, non-trauma center, they don't need ophthalmology coverage and will be less likely to pay much and may refuse. Despite this, I know plenty of people that are paid 300-500/24 hrs call at these type of hospitals. For a level 1...
  14. M

    Starting a Practice

    The ER is likely not a good option for coverage and I'm sure patients would be quite put off (not to mention the ER you are dumping on and the ophthalmologist covering that ER assuming they have coverage). Would be wise to find another ophthalmologist in the area that is willing to cover for...