Recent content by MyHobbyIsMedSch

  1. M

    Looking for place in LA for the fall

    24 year old female...taking classes at UCLA
  2. M

    Inspirational stories of getting into med school

    Anyone have them? I keep going back and forth with going to medical school. I was so depressed in undergrad and my grades were terrible. I graduated with a crappy 2.6 gpa. I know I can do the work though. I have gotten some decent grades in science courses. My gpa heavily flucuated...
  3. M

    conflicted help!

    I might do this. I have been going back and forth on it for awhile.
  4. M

    conflicted help!

    I clearly said my county. I know my grades are not up to par. I was not even finished with my premed classes. This is why I could go back to school and finisih it up and knockout the MCATs.
  5. M

    conflicted help!

    70 views and no responses ....gees
  6. M

    conflicted help!

    I am having a hard time with making a career choice. Please give me your opinion. I graduated college in 2006 with a Poli Sci Major after I dropped being a Neuroscience major. I dropped the major because it killed my GPA(below 3.0). I went to a VERY hard school and had a bad science background...
  7. M

    shadowing pharmacist in the los angeles area

    both...maybe someone who works with a long term care facility too
  8. M

    shadowing pharmacist in the los angeles area

    Has anyone found a good pharmacist to shadow with in the LA area? I was premed but I am thinking of switching to pharmacy. Pm me if you know someone. Thanks!
  9. M

    MD-> Management Consulting and no residency

    Do you know of anyone that has gotten just an MD and gone straight into Business? I hear of people going into finance and consulting without doing their residency. I am kind of scared to get the MD without the residency.
  10. M

    Any black female pre-meds out there? part 02

    another black female premed here....I was wondering. Does anyone have an creative ideas other than loans to pay 4 med school? I need some inspiration.
  11. M

    What should I do?

    Unfortunately, I am from California. I would like to stay here but we'll see. What if I can't find a cosigner? Am I screwed?
  12. M

    What should I do?

    I have about 80k in loans from undergrad. I am paying my way through my postbac right now so I don't have enough money to pay the mini. payment on my student loans which is like 900/month. I am applying to med school but I am worried with the interest rates I will have a hard time paying them...
  13. M

    GEMS Program at Georgetown

    Has anyone completed this program? I would love to learn more about it. Please PM me.
  14. M

    Quit Job and go to school?

    For the last year, I have been working as a research coordinator at a med school on the west coast. The job can be time consuming at times but I have a great boss that is flexible. My issues are....If I stay here another year, I would have 2 years of work experience, a great LOR and a...