Recent content by Nasrudin

  1. Nasrudin

    Didn't get chief resident spot. How upset should I be? Interested in Forensics

    Get to the bottom of it for sure. Make sure to prove your forensic prowess by interviewing your colleagues mining their timelines for inconsistencies. And above all else, be very, very, upset. For not being gifted with enough common sense to take giant step back when your overseers offer you...
  2. Nasrudin

    Reaction to psychiatrists doing therapy

    I don't know if I'm your pseudointellectual, but thanks if I am. I've never aspired to be an Intellectual. But I wouldn't disagree with the points you're making. If they were in fact, true. Or to what extent they are true. I have no idea what is happening in other people's practices. I know...
  3. Nasrudin

    Reaction to psychiatrists doing therapy

    That's an attractive mindset. I wish you all the success in the world!
  4. Nasrudin

    Reaction to psychiatrists doing therapy

    That's a fair point about information asymmetry. But why not look at that as a niche to fill yourself. Why not demonstrate command of your knowledge and insight value. I guess the way I'm thinking about this does not easily map onto managed care model or single payer systems. Which... I...
  5. Nasrudin

    Reaction to psychiatrists doing therapy

    Oddly creep doesn't bother me. Either you offer something of value to people or you don't. I think there's still room for someone who puts their heart and should and effort to be useful and as possible while broadly considering the vast domains of knowledge that pertain to the human endeavor...
  6. Nasrudin

    Reaction to psychiatrists doing therapy

    The real enemies to psychiatric therapy are the forces of Finance: Student debt, cost of training, the bureaucratic insurance industrial war machine. I mean. It's hard to make an argument the cost of physician therapy is worth it. Or that therapy is even something people not in the top 1% of...
  7. Nasrudin

    Luminello shutting down. Alternatives?

    I mean, haha, I work in silicon valley area, so I absorb a lot of concepts, and have researched this pretty thoroughly. But keep in mind I just know these things as concepts. I realized quickly that finding and IT/software/digital architecture specialized contractor was going to be necessary...
  8. Nasrudin

    Luminello shutting down. Alternatives?

    Fair question. I'm tilted towards the technology-enthusiastic-exuberant-willing to take risk--sort of approach to life and it's potential opportunity set. So... having stated that disclaimer. I'm in the price discovery phase, meeting with contractors, and getting quotes for different build...
  9. Nasrudin

    Luminello shutting down. Alternatives?

    This is an interesting discussion. Particularly the thought about data ownership and PE. After looking up and down for integrated, interoperable full stack technology/EMR solutions with enough data security to protect patient information, I've decided to pay up for my own customizable solution...
  10. Nasrudin

    Medical-Legal Risks to Patients of Psychiatric Clinical Documentation

    Thinking about technology and information risks got me thinking about a recent journeyman shrink realization I got schooled on and wanted to ask my elders here how they avoid inadvertent documentation traps that early stage psychiatrist like me may unknowingly set for patients. 2 early stage...
  11. Nasrudin

    AI workflow design thread

    Yes! This is exactly my concerns. I utilized FirefliesAI for 2 days. Saw the value and the power of being able to apply AI semantic processing to transcribed zoom meeting patient conversations, got approval from each patient before hand. Then I stopped after 2 days. Because the issues of...
  12. Nasrudin

    AI workflow design thread

    What's up muppets. The desire to collaboratively jam on AI-powered workflow automations and design has awoken me from an sdn slumber. I'd read through the seminal private practice threads which are quite inspiring and useful. I've scanned recent AI thread topics and found some lively...
  13. Nasrudin

    What Would You Do: Patient Denies Being Suicidal, Collateral Says Otherwise

    Predicting and preventing future behavior is a cyclical argument which never assumes responsibility for itself. If Beneficence is your starting and ruling premise there is no answer that doesn't lead to more intervention. You absolve yourself by passing the buck to someone else in the best...
  14. Nasrudin

    Yale Oversteps Boundries IN Giving Psychiatric Opinion To The Public About Trump

    You know. I don't even care about this site anymore. Or offending it's denizens. I've read more personality science than probably anyone here. I didn't seek these conclusions. They beat themselves into my head. Which is by temperament and physicality higher than the others. And more bold...
  15. Nasrudin

    Yale Oversteps Boundries IN Giving Psychiatric Opinion To The Public About Trump

    Temperament is politics. Clinical perception is temperament. Therefore clinical practice has politics. Those of us who are more likely to imagine our temperament and politics are NOT part of clinical judgment are more likely to execute clinical practice ideologically. To make matters worse...