Recent content by onewithpain

  1. O

    Adding Regenerative medicine to your practice.

    The VA is paying for PRP in the knee for mild to moderate OA, and for tennis elbow. It is Tricare and they all seem to be active military. They only pay $140 which doesn't pay for a PRP kit. I use 10cc syringes and spin slow to get rid of the RBCs and then spin fast to settle the platelets. It...
  2. O

    Genicular RFA. Any input helpful!

    I get an occasional negative block but not enough that I save anyone money by not doing unnecessary RFAs. I use 18ga 1 cm active tip and place the needle just short of the dorsal aspect of the bone. I kill at 90 degrees for 60 seconds and then withdraw about 7mm and kill again and then withdraw...
  3. O

    Home SPG

    You can write a prescription for lidocaine or bupivacaine but if the pharmacy is not familiar with it then weird things happen. Some of the pharmacies will dispense lidocaine gel which is for a sore throat. Some will dispense glass ampules. Walmart got some of the 30 ml bottles and charged a...
  4. O

    Poll: Let your 9 year old beat you at Chess?

    Whoops, "Angela's Ashes".
  5. O

    Poll: Let your 9 year old beat you at Chess?

    Read "Angel's Ashes" in which the author describes how a childhood without adversity is wasted.
  6. O

    Amniotic tissue products don't contain living cells...

    My group functions like a co-op so we all share the admin and pay a "core fee" to cover it. In order to order the AmnioFix I had to set up an account and being the only doc here with a MiMedx account, anything that was sent by them went to me. The purchasing department applied the 50k invoice...
  7. O

    Amniotic tissue products don't contain living cells...

    The AmnioFix rep came to my office and gave me 2 doses and a booklet of supporting articles. I used one of the doses on my SI joint. I have seen disciplanary actions by the OBME for using stem cell products on patient but can they ding me for using it on myself? It really helped. It itched like...
  8. O

    Lumbar RFA general Qs

    The Cosman rep brought out the generator and free disposable electrodes, needles, pads, no lunch. We used it for a 1/2 day and it seemed much more user friendly than the Neurotherm we had been using at the hospital. The rep seemed pretty knowledgeable. I bought the machine with 9 electrodes for...
  9. O

    Oregon Health Commission

    I don't think that an obligation to treat equates with an obligation to prescribe opioids. In my county the OHA provides PCPs with a long list of alternative treatment options. The only thing that is paid for is the list. The PCPs are supposed to educate themselves and their patients about...
  10. O

    Oregon Health Commission

    He is an expert because he says what the Oregon Health Authority wants to hear.
  11. O

    SBM: Substituting Quackery for Opioids in Oregon

    OHP keeps setting up lunch conferences for us. This group has done a few and is headed by a ND They had one a few weeks ago called ACES in which they seemed to imply that our long term health issues were associated with unresolved Adverse Childhood EventS. Even the food is bad.
  12. O

    Oregon Health Commission

    Kevin used to contribute here but I don't remember his forum name. He did anesthesiology and a pain fellowship in Michigan and then had a Navy obligation. He started what I thought would be a great practice and then after about a year said that there was no evidence to support what we do. He...
  13. O

    Pregnancy +ESI

    Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation improves low back pain during pregnancy. - PubMed - NCBI Women wanting a "natural childbirth" use them. Some apply TENS to the acupuncture points on the wrist to help control nausea in the first trimester.
  14. O

    Pregnancy +ESI

    I had one that I gave a TENS unit to in the first trimester. She did well through gestation and labored to 8 cm. Then she wanted an epidural but OB said too late.
  15. O

    Lumbar RFA general Qs

    Boston/Cosman has a Venom type needle and a 16 ga needle now. I am still waiting on a quote.