Recent content by ortho2014

  1. O

    Repercussions from hippaa violation

    dont know the details since OP deleted the post but a HIPAA violation of a single patient does not even have to be reported unless it was a gross violation (i.e. looking up a celebrity patient's records) has to be on the order of several hundred records for it to be even reported to the...
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    Starting medical school in a relationship... HELP

    If your post is truly just to hear other people's experiences and how they made their relationship work then I apologize in advance. But if you are already having doubts and looking for justifications to end your relationship, then you need to spend some time being introspective and think about...
  3. O

    Nurses making more than residents?

    Come on now..our med school is actually 8 years compared to other nations 6 years because we are required to get a bachelor's which isn't required in most other nations..traditionally the medical degree is the bachelor's hence other nations including UK use MBBS (Bachelors of Medicine, Bachelors...
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    Nurses making more than residents?

    Thats my point..the current educational and training system as it is now is highly inefficient..we don't need 4 years of pre med besides for adding another $100,000+ of debt plus interest and getting drunk and having fun it doesn't add anything to the actual training of becoming a doctor..or...
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    Nurses making more than residents?

    Residency is optional for dentists, they get paid $150,000+ straight out of dental friend is making $200,000 plus incentives in private practice working 8-5pm straight out of school. After 4 years of pre-med hell, 4 years of med school hell, we still can't practice unless we finish at...
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    Sign of Things to Come?

    not just insurance companies..well known hospitals are expecting revenue to decrease by several hundred million dollars in ONE year and to expect layoffs (see below) much money does rad onc bring in for the hospital?..better not let CMS bring down reimbursements for rad onc too much...
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    Bloodbath in Red Journal

    While everyone has a right to their own opinion, sad that WashU administration totally disowned him in such a public forum with their reply. Was completely unnecessary, don't think the author mentioned WashU anywhere in his commentary..don't know why the Chairman felt the need to come out...
  8. O

    Wanted: Website designers and programmers for medical initiative

    A group of US doctors and medical students from top-tier universities are looking to recruit website designers and programmers for a medical initiative. There are opportunities to get published and compensated for your work. Please PM me for more information.
  9. O

    Resources/Workbooks for Aphasia?

    saw a stroke patient who has varying degrees of both receptive and expressive aphasia but has intact reading comprehension. What are some good workbooks for patients with aphasia? Any place where handouts can be printed out for the patient to complete?
  10. O

    What is a throwaway journal?

    yes "throw-away" journal means that they'll accept almost any manuscript to publish..some of these journals are not legit but some throw-away journals are considered as a "safety" for researchers and for research that isn't good enough to be published in more legit journals
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    Preventing current burn out from effecting lifelong decision

    anyone have any experience on being burned out and preventing it from affecting future career decisions? i love ortho but am considering some more life-style friendly careers due to current burn out (nothing too severe, not affecting my performance or anything but I am definitely feeling it and...
  12. O

    "The End of Medical Freedom in America"

    government getting involved in anything usually leads to an excessive amount of inefficiency and it's not looking good for doctors..but can only blame our own field for not taking control to address these issues themselves..the government tends to get involved when issues remain unresolved and...
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    Any Rad Onc residency programs offer PhD?

    just throwing this out there: I know some attendings (not in rad onc) who went to England to get a PhD (D. Phil) because it can be done in 2-3 years for those who already have a MD and now have very strong research careers
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    Are these typical salaries?

    public records of rad onc salaries at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas and MD Anderson..seems to be a huge range in salaries from nearly half a million to $130,000, even between the Assistant Professors, are the lower range more likely PhDs only (i.e...
  15. O

    Any Rad Onc residency programs offer PhD?

    there are some neurosurgery and optho residencies/fellowships that offer a PhD, any Rad Onc residencies offer such programs? (I already did a google search) such as these: