Recent content by p100

  1. P

    Substitute Skin Graft Fraud

    This is off topic and not necessarily related to your post but I want to say the whole medical industry is a scam at this point. All the rules are made by people with the most fake money printed by the government. A few years ago I used to think it was so bad that these companies use loopholes...
  2. P

    We must do better

    The Dave Ramsey caller is not in financial trouble because of podiatry. They are in trouble because they have a $400k+ mortgage and $20k in car debt on top of the $325k student loans. Maybe they need a minivan for the 3 kids but you can get a Sienna for $15k in good shape. At age 4X he either...
  3. P

    Jury Duty

    I have not been summoned yet OP but I want to agree with this poster and say everyone should know about jury nullification.
  4. P

    Student loans

    I am very serious with this reply even if it doesn't seem so. I would give up my US citizenship and then return through the Mexico border as an illegal immigrant. Take up a trade job under a new name and identity. This process may take 1-2 years but will save more than you can make with any...
  5. P

    One Board Proposition at APMA HOD

    If we have one giant incompetent board then nobody wins and corruption gets even worse.
  6. P

    Toenails. You don't have to cut them. Trust me. Just say no.

    Nails and calluses all day every day. - No overhead costs - No paying staff - Copy paste every note - No call - No surgery follow ups - Get to work outside in the park and get full vitamin D everyday - No cleaning necessary - Wind blows away nail dust from my face Skills easily transfer to nail...
  7. P

    Will we see podiatrists working for WalMart?

    Walmart can't be any worse than private practice associate.
  8. P


    I do not have contracts with facilities. If they like me that's good, if they don't they can kick me out. I think this is most fair for everyone. I also do not see how a facility can prevent a patient from seeing their physician doing a home call. If you are seeing patients under the...
  9. P

    Resident in one state, wish to practice in another. Need some advice

    They give an oral exam that seems very subjective to me. I think it is done to limit competition in the state. I was asked "a female pt comes in but also mentions X complaints, what could be wrong with her and how would you manage?" My response of "not my expertise, send her to PCP for...
  10. P

    Resident in one state, wish to practice in another. Need some advice

    Take part 3 APMLE even if you plan on staying in NJ. Never limit yourself so much over such an easy test. Some states are easy to get license and others are hard. Oklahoma fails most people and only gives the test once a year. Whatever state you want to work in learn all the procedures now...
  11. P

    Don’t do podiatry

    Podiatry should have remained a small, non-surgical, mid level profession on par with nursing and physician assistant. edit: Chiropodists were physicians. Podiatry should have remained non-surgical and on par with dentistry. We are not MD or DO equivalents.
  12. P

    Patients That Are Late

    I have so few patients it makes no difference right now. In the few cases someone is late and it encroaches on someone else's appointment time I make them reschedule.
  13. P

    OnyFix Nail System

    Does anyone have experience with this? My company wants to offer this with cash price $200. From my understanding the way it works is a gel is placed on the nail and then a UV light is used to straighten the gel that has dried to the nail so it does not curve at the ends. What do you all...