Recent content by pgg

  1. pgg

    What can I be doing different Financially??

    A way with words, you have.
  2. pgg

    “Advanced” Birth Centers

    Maybe a no-takebacksies rule is in order.
  3. pgg

    Inr cutoff for shoulder blocks

    There was a time when ASRA ****ed us all with guidelines that treated peripheral blocks at compressibile sites the same as neuraxial with regard to anticoagulation. This was before ultrasound was ubiquitous and everyone was doing landmark/stim and some were even still doing transarterial stuff...
  4. pgg

    “Advanced” Birth Centers

    Yeah I actually sort of enjoy OB during daylight hours, but the midwife and doula and birth plan au-natural-until-it's-not phenomenon can ruin that too. Some "advanced" birthing center sounds like a magnet for the crazy. Hopefully they open one up near here, and it pulls the nuts away from our...
  5. pgg

    “Advanced” Birth Centers

    How is 1-2 epidurals in a 24 a cash cow? Are the patients Saudi princesses who tip well?
  6. pgg

    DEI is ruining UCLA. Seems the DEI pendulum swings too far the wrong way.

    It's fascinating to me that you not only actually believe that old "To Err Is Human" paper, but somehow you've inflated the 98,000 figure they fabricated to 200,000.
  7. pgg

    DEI is ruining UCLA. Seems the DEI pendulum swings too far the wrong way.

    Honest question, and I'm not trying to be unpleasant. Is English your first language? Were you born in the US? You seem to miss a lot of context, idiom, and references that are obvious to US-born English speakers. Which is OK, of course. I'm just curious.
  8. pgg

    DEI is ruining UCLA. Seems the DEI pendulum swings too far the wrong way.

    The sports analogy is idiotic and you (should) know it. Obviously competence in a sport like basketball is highly dependent and predictable from an array of objectively measurable physical attributes and testable skills. There is a SMALL pool of athletic talent that can succeed at that level...
  9. pgg

    Ogilives pseudoobstruction

    And with sugammadex, you can't really get burned the way you could in the neostigmine days. Riding the edge of a couple twitches while lightening the anesthetic during closing, so the patient would be reversible as the dressing went on, was a fine art. Now there's no reason not to leave them...
  10. pgg

    Net Worth at age 55

    Most aspiring homeowners are also young. Historically young people broke hard for the Democrat. Interestingly enough, while Biden won the under-45 group by 24 points in 2020, recent polls have shown that his lead in that group has shrunk to low single digits. Housing and economic outlook has...
  11. pgg

    DEI is ruining UCLA. Seems the DEI pendulum swings too far the wrong way.

    The Fox News outrage machine has been redlining over this subject for years. There's no winning with those clowns and no point pandering to what their goldfish attention spans might fixate on for a 24h news cycle. I think they would publish the data if it was a statistically insignificant...
  12. pgg

    Net Worth at age 55

    Yep. Japanese toddlers don't grow up watching people play chicken with the mobility scooters in Walmart. Japanese television can be absolutely weird but there isn't as much interpersonal rudeness and drama as American reality TV. American kids just see adults being jerks in so many settings. And...
  13. pgg

    Ogilives pseudoobstruction

    I suspect you're right. In Afghanistan we had a batch of succinylchole that didn't work at all. We eventually pulled and replaced all of it, and it worked again. I've always wondered if it sat in a pallet on an asphalt taxiway getting cooked to 180 degrees for a few hours.
  14. pgg

    DEI is ruining UCLA. Seems the DEI pendulum swings too far the wrong way.

    They have the data. We know they have the data. If the data could be presented or interpreted in a way that cast a favorable (or at least non-negative) light upon the performance differences between various cohorts of matriculants, it's a certainty on the level of death & taxes that it would...
  15. pgg

    DEI is ruining UCLA. Seems the DEI pendulum swings too far the wrong way.

    Are you suggesting that tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles are motivated by racism?