Recent content by piviti

  1. P

    Pain + SNF/SAR/IPR

    Yeah you can reach out to the medical director or CEO. The CEO is the one who usually recruits physicians.
  2. P


    I’m an attending, the pharmacist puts in the meds in the system and we have to cross them over and add in the generic admissions orders (PT/OT/prn meds). And that is correct about night admissions.
  3. P


    At our hospital, we do the admission orders and medicine does the discharge orders. For after hours admissions, the nursing staff puts in the meds and calls us to verify orders.
  4. P

    Labor shortage

    Same issue here. I’m on the West coast so that might have something to do with it. We have had to delay admissions occasionally due to a lack of nurses. Wonder if other parts of the country are experiencing the same?
  5. P

    What are the best/worst regions or states to practice in as an anesthesiologist?

    Would like to know this too if anyone could chime in.
  6. P

    What can a Medical Doctor after finishing his residency do to work his way into software engineering

    Also, if you are able to do an away elective or spend a month at another institution to meet the faculty and fellows and learn more about the field, I would recommend doing it. I know CHOP, Columbia, Ohio state, and UCSF are open to this. I believe one of the fellows at Columbia in the clinical...
  7. P

    What can a Medical Doctor after finishing his residency do to work his way into software engineering

    Yeah I agree with the above posters. No sense in trying to start from scratch and taking a job as a general code monkey as the barrier to entry is too low these days. You can leverage the MD and clinical experience side of things by going into clinical informatics, which is basically the...
  8. P

    Lab fees- pre or post tax?

    Hey all, Just a question for my wife who is a dentist. She says at her last 2 jobs (which were both corporate) her lab fees were deducted pretax. However, now she is in private practice and they are taking her lab fees post-tax. Is this common? Thanks.
  9. P

    Intern feeling afraid and incompetent daily

    I'm a third year resident and I still feel incompetent haha.
  10. P

    Importance MS1 and MS2 grades for PMR residencies as a DO student?

    Your individual grades in the preclinical years by themselves don't really matter as much, as PM&R residency programs are much more focused on personality fit, board scores, LORs, and your performance in clinical rotations. In addition, there are variations in the preclinical curriculum among...
  11. P

    Gross income

    Hey, was looking at some job postings on sites. All the salaries seem to be in gross income... what does this mean? Is it before overhead and taxes, or only taxes? Thanks.
  12. P

    US DO moving to Canada

    Why is there a job shortage in Canada? Is there just not enough patients to go around? You would think it would be the opposite given the amount of residency spots/med schools Canada has.
  13. P

    Competitiveness of Orthopedic Surgery

    The O stands for Occupational/Preventive Medicine.
  14. P

    Tips on avoiding the gunner stigma

    It should be a rule where if someone posts something exceptionally ridiculous, they should be quoted for posterity.
  15. P

    Unified Match Date? In that FAQ it said early as July 2016 or late as July 2020. Wont' affect 2015.