Recent content by PteFabulous

  1. PteFabulous

    How many patients do you see per day?

    I'm a Canadian Fam doc, who just finished residency. I am comfortably seeing on average 25 patients a day from 9-430. But most fee for service docs in my area see 30-50/day. I have heard its easy to see that many a day after you get to know your patients because you already know their history...
  2. PteFabulous

    FM physicians/residents who left Gen Surg?

    I transferred from gen surg to FM. Best decision I ever made. I was turning into an angry person in surgery and had no time for my family or self. The personalities of my co residents and some attendings were extremely rude. Not to mention I was working constantly... Switching was the right...
  3. PteFabulous

    Did anyone transfer in from other specialties? Tell your story!

    PM me Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. PteFabulous

    Study resources

    Hey guys, I'm a second year fam med resident and am looking for some good study resources for the exam and FM in general. I really like audio resources and was thinking about subscribing to AAFP FPaudio, but I don't really understand how many audio clips you get per month. Can you also listen...
  5. PteFabulous

    Especially draining case. Anybody have any coping advice?

    I totally understand that feeling of not being able to fix it. It's something we all go through, and I think as long as you are aware of your feelings, and aware of your boundaries, that's the most important thing. Take some time to think through those feelings and be okay with the reality that...
  6. PteFabulous

    Pursue a second residency after FM?

    FM was originally my second choice if I didn't in to gen surg. FM was a easy transfer, open spot in my hometown, quick transfer within 1 month of my request. It's very difficult to keep the end goal in mind when you're sleep deprived and angry all the time. I hope it does get better! Maybe...
  7. PteFabulous

    Pursue a second residency after FM?

    I have a hospitalist rotation coming up, so I'll see how that goes. I also wonder if it'll get better when I'm an attending, and not a resident anymore...
  8. PteFabulous

    Pursue a second residency after FM?

    Hi SDN, I am a FM resident considering pursuing a second residency in IM when I'm done. Ever since med school, I wanted to be an intensivist, that was my original goal. I started residency in gen surge, but transferred after a year to FM. I transferred for multiple reasons; crazy hours...
  9. PteFabulous

    Why is the Caribbean a bad decision?

    Do you mean for Canadian residency programs? Or American? For American programs, Canadians are not considered equal to American IMG's because we need a visa for residency. So when applying for American programs, you have to apply to programs that are willing to sponsor a visa. For Canadian...
  10. PteFabulous

    helping step by step guide for an IMG

    Sorry but no one is going to give you a step by step guide. You have got to do the research yourself. Here's some places you can start: For the Exams:
  11. PteFabulous

    Canadian SGU conundrum

    If you really want to match in the US why would you take the chance of only doing 8 guaranteed weeks of clinicals in the US, instead of 2 full years guaranteed in the US? Honestly, I seriously doubt that Australian school do electives at better hospitals then Caribbean students, and even if they...
  12. PteFabulous

    Uk or Ireland for Canadian

    I am being defensive because this is a very common attitude of Irish grads, not you specifically. I experienced it everywhere on the interview trail where as soon as the Irish grad I was talking to learned I went to the Caribbean they suddenly got an ego. Obviously European grads do well in...
  13. PteFabulous

    Uk or Ireland for Canadian

    Ok, why are you hating on Caribbean schools? Honestly, I am so sick of Irish grads thinking they are so much better then Caribbean grads. Yes Ireland has good schools, but it's not like the education from (good) Caribbean schools is that much worse. We all write the same Canadian boards exams...
  14. PteFabulous

    3.3 GPA, Master's, 34 Mcat. Am I boned?

    Hey, The general advise for all those considering going abroad, make sure you exhaust your options of getting into a Canadian or US school before going elsewhere. It doesn't sound like you applied throughout the country this year or to the States, so my advise would be to defer SGU again and...
  15. PteFabulous

    My Awesome Indian Medical College Experience

    Well, thats great you had a good experience. But I think you're story will be more compelling after you go through the match.