Recent content by PTPoeny

  1. PTPoeny

    Children Are Dying in Ill-Prepared Emergency Rooms Across America

    This article has been a big topic of discussion in my group. As far as I can figure out the "certification" of readiness is voluntary and the actual peer reviewed publication uses this: National Pediatric Readiness Project The checklist is available for anyone to download and read.
  2. PTPoeny

    Send lawyers, guns, and money.

    Maybe he was making the joke that the doc in question apparently chose porn as the P in his terminal regimen.
  3. PTPoeny

    Prescription amphetamines or similar

    Would you mind expanding how you decided to get out of EM rather than find a new job?
  4. PTPoeny

    How often can I ask attending questions as a resident?

    The timing of questions is much more important than the number. Do not ask pathophysiology questions during a code. Do not interrupt your co-residents to ask questions. Do ask questions to clarify any orders before you put them in.
  5. PTPoeny

    Active Shooter Policies and Patient Abandonment

    I completely agree and am definitely plan to run. I was just wondering if the question has been answered regarding any legal risk. Now, a peds specific question. Should we carry any babies out? Unlike a fire I think the patients are safer where they are so I wouldn't, but it crossed my mind...
  6. PTPoeny

    Active Shooter Policies and Patient Abandonment

    When I searched the last thread on this topic was quite old. I recently had to go through active shooter training from my hospital and it was the standard run-hide-fight. I am curious if anyone here knows of any court cases regarding patient abandonment during an active shooter with resulting...
  7. PTPoeny

    How common are dismissals in Residency?

    The PC didn't have anything to do with scheduling in my residency, the chief residents did it all. PC still is the one on charge of all the paperwork. Being a normal polite human and saying good morning and asking how her day was going and such and our PC would bend over backwards to make things...
  8. PTPoeny

    Resident evals

    Trying to do individual evals on milestones just makes the evals take forever and half the things you aren't going to see in any given week. I didn't realize they were peds only! The idea that EPAs are based on actual observable behaviors sounds like a step in the right direction.
  9. PTPoeny

    Resident evals

    The resident evals I get now aren't 5 point Likert scales, the are a scale with a paragraph descriptions of each step and lots and lots of steps. The assumption is that no one would get the top score until several years until attending practice. So I am truthful and during verbal feedback they...
  10. PTPoeny

    Finding balance (or I hate people now, need exposure to nonsucky ones)

    We were halfway through the first pandemic legacy and got the second to be able to continue as soon as we finished and just haven't touched either for three years too. I was ready to restart a year or so ago but my husband wasn't so they still sit on the shelf. Love the Pandemic legacy format!
  11. PTPoeny

    Thoughts on not choosing peds for financial reasons

    Yes, NICU and PICU can get past low 200s even in academic centers in the Northeast where salaries are generally the lowest. MGMA data gets posted on SDN on a regular basis which isn't perfect but will give you ballpark numbers.
  12. PTPoeny

    Major changes proposed for pediatric training

    I have a suspicion that this will lead to greater variation in the quality of pediatric graduates rather than across the board changes. The residencies that currently value graduating pediatricians who are truly competent in the removed procedures were already doing way more than required. I...
  13. PTPoeny

    inpatient CPR duration

    Page to flows of 45-60 minutes are standard at my hospital after hours when surgeon, perfusionist and some parts of the OR team are coming from home. Page going out is fast, charge nurse calls the hospital operator and says "send the ECPR page" when the intensivist asks. Equipment is at beside...
  14. PTPoeny

    ASA6 cases

    Everyone should only be involved in organ donation to the point that they are comfortable. But just to put out there I think DCD is an amazing thing for families. I know peds is different but my experience is we do DCD on the kids that have a horrific event but aren't quite brain dead because...
  15. PTPoeny

    inpatient CPR duration

    I am very glad I haven't seen that. I have seen a hospital system enact a unilateral DNR against a family's wishes but it was a months long process with ethics and the legal team and outside consults ect For 2 I do CPR until the surgeon gets there and either cannulates or declares...