Recent content by Ronin786

  1. Ronin786

    State regulations on tort reform/malpractice caps when considering where to practice?

    You can be sued, but often times the state is named and not you individually as a result of being a state employee.
  2. Ronin786

    State regulations on tort reform/malpractice caps when considering where to practice?

    Lifehack- working for a state hospital protects you from being named in a suit (your state may vary).
  3. Ronin786

    Syndicator machines (passiveincomeMD) targeting physicians

    Doctors and dentists exist in the perfect spectrum of "accredited investor" and absence of access to sweet private equity deals (usually). They're a prime target for hucksters since they can get away with the usual disclosures and sell an exclusivity that the general public isn't able to buy into.
  4. Ronin786

    DEI is ruining UCLA. Seems the DEI pendulum swings too far the wrong way.

    Medical schools are so motivated nowadays to pass students because they want them to appear as attractive as possible to residency programs in order to meet their "match metrics". It's not just a DEI issue, it's a quality issue with everybody in medical school nowadays.
  5. Ronin786

    Ogilives pseudoobstruction

    Maybe I just haven't seen the bad stuff, but we push 1mg of Neostigmine at a time in our ICU routinely. I'd say I've used it 5 times in the past 18 months personally. No problems, just a lot of satisfied customers (not really because the cramping is a bitch). And this is a cardiac ICU so much...
  6. Ronin786

    How early is too early?

    I can't give up call at my shop, but my workaround is that I don't ever switch my sleep schedule around when I'm on nights in the ICU. I figure a few nights of "bad sleep" where I lie down for a few hours is better for overall longevity than constantly switching my circadian cycle.
  7. Ronin786

    Job Search in Chicago and Surrounding Suburbs

    I only ever interviewed with academics in Chicago but most offers were in 350-400k range for four weeks vacation and little academic time. NW was a little better on time off but majority weren’t working less than private practice.
  8. Ronin786

    Job Search in Chicago and Surrounding Suburbs

    Chicago needs a good raking over the coals for these groups and hospitals to come to their senses. For a HCOL area (with bad weather not to mention), the wages are quite terrible and the hours are even worse. Need a player like Tufts in Boston to take advantage and fix salaries across the board.
  9. Ronin786

    FTC bans non competes

    I think this is important language. Basically if these non-profits want to enforce non-competes, they run the risk of somebody taking a serious look at their non-profit status. That's worth a lot more to them than Joe Schmoe, MD going to the shop across town.
  10. Ronin786

    Nitro/verapamil for radial a-lines

    While you don't need anything larger than a 4Fr, there is nothing to suggest a 5Fr in the brachial is going to impede arterial flow. This is based off the IR guidelines for access, for a 3mm vessel a 5Fr is going to occupy ~30% of the vessel...
  11. Ronin786

    US IV question

    99.99% of failed blind arterial lines are not harmful, especially when they're done with the patient asleep. I just don't see how you can argue ultrasound should be standard of care for arterial lines and at the same time say VL shouldn't be. The complication rate for either one of them is so...
  12. Ronin786

    Postop precautions for pharyngeal and laryngeotracheal lidocaine

    These are the dysphagia levels SLP uses.
  13. Ronin786

    Postop precautions for pharyngeal and laryngeotracheal lidocaine

    ICU patients routinely progress to full diet after passing a bedside swallow test. Basically just some water and seeing if they choke or start coughing. I can't say I ever ask our PACU what they do, but would hope they're trying clears before handing out the crackers and PB.
  14. Ronin786

    Cash for call tax implications

    Technically that's on them for not reporting 1099 income to the IRS. We have a shift-based model and a way of switching shifts in our scheduling software that allows the balance to transfer with no tax implications. OTOH, if you can't find a taker for your call, it has been known to just pay...
  15. Ronin786

    Help! ACCM fellowships

    I have no insight about UCLA, but the other 4 are going to give you good enough training and street cred (which unfortunately is pretty important for CCM/academics). Duke will have you facile in TEE, but their overall educational experience is limited IMO.