Recent content by schistosomiasis

  1. schistosomiasis

    FMLA paperwork

    $75 for FMLA, $20 for drivers license form. To the patient. Your time is worth money.
  2. schistosomiasis

    Retina: Solo Practice vs Group Practice

    If someone was to open up a solo retina practice, I would specifically advise them NOT to do it in a rural location where there aren’t any other retina docs. Find an area where there are a few other docs, either solo or small groups, that will are cordial/ collaborative and are willing to help...
  3. schistosomiasis

    Is the "partnership track" dead?

    Actually, a used cirrus 4000 can be had for $12,000 from multiple dealers, but the computer will be slow. (The used cirrus I bought when I opened still works and I’m still using it!) I would only go this route if you had very limited capital and wanted your practice to be in the black and pay...
  4. schistosomiasis

    Is the "partnership track" dead?

    Here’s an article about buying a practice vs starting one from scratch (if you don’t wanna pay goodwill or don’t think it exists). One thing I forgot to mention, if you’re broke and in debt and can’t afford the $200K to start up, banks are more likely to give a loan to buy an existing practice...
  5. schistosomiasis

    Is the "partnership track" dead?

    Actually, when you purchase a practice you have the option of taking over the TIN, and then if the credentialing is delegated you might be able to keep higher negotiated rates or plans that are hard to get onto. That would actually increase goodwill. Of course, many folks start with their own...
  6. schistosomiasis

    Is the "partnership track" dead?

    Practice valuations: Yeah goodwill varies tremendously but for the “average” practice about 30-50% of a year’s collections. If you don’t wanna pay it then start your own practice from scratch!
  7. schistosomiasis

    Credit Card Points from the Practice

    MSing for points, it helped that my parents let me charge their expenses onto my cards and reimbursed me.
  8. schistosomiasis

    Credit Card Points from the Practice

    As a solo practice owner… I get to keep all the points myself for free travel! For a low spender like me, I rely on plastiq to pay office rent and estimated tax payments to meet my multiple signup bonuses. I have 2 million AMEX points and 700,000 chase points. This year stayed at Hyatt hotels...
  9. schistosomiasis

    Is the "partnership track" dead?

    I know of a great way to become full partner immediately in a competitive urban area and have 100% equity and total control over your practice: start your own. Go solo. (Not?) surprisingly, most of my friends in solo practice are in the cities above rather than rural areas. That’s because my...
  10. schistosomiasis

    Moving on.....need advice

    No way would I not wait until the very last moment specified in the contract to notify your group you’re leaving. If it’s 90 days so be it. They can treat you real funny (unfair) once you’ve given notice. The nicest people can turn into a fury when this happens. It’s the old practice’s...
  11. schistosomiasis

    100 Eye Club

    I know one of the docs in the article. He left to start his own boutique solo practice emphasizing lasik and premium cataract surgery. Despite opening up during covid he is doing very well. So much for the idea that doctors need “businessmen” to “help” them, so they can “focus on practicing...
  12. schistosomiasis

    How much does a comprehensive ophthalmologist make?

    Three years vs eight or nine years? While I totally agree that it's best to get financially independent ASAP so you don't have to worry about declining reimbursements, loss of volume/ patients or anything else, if you're one of those people who can't wait to get independently wealthy so they...
  13. schistosomiasis

    How much does a comprehensive ophthalmologist make?

    Good discussion and I generally agree that most folks are poorly paid right out of training, and the income potential goes up as a partner/ owner especially in areas that aren't as saturated, but often even in areas that are. But one very important point- if you have to earn over $1 million vs...
  14. schistosomiasis

    How is your practice doing at this point?

    70% sounds right for mid July, probably higher now most friends80-90 and is regional dependent: also this was from May but the points still hold true...
  15. schistosomiasis

    What you wish you had known before your first position out of residency/fellowship

    Here is my list: