Recent content by scorpiondr_intospace

  1. S

    Recent exam sitters - Please Help!

    Hey guys! Everyone who recently sat the test - what topics did you feel were super-heavy and which ones would you recommend focusing on? TIA
  2. S

    Official 2022 Step 2 CK Experiences With Scores Thread

    Hey! Congrats on being done with STep 2! I was wondering what topics you felt were heavy and which ones you'd recommend focusing on. TIA
  3. S

    Official 2022 Step 2 CK Experiences With Scores Thread

    Hey! Congrats on being done with STep 2! I was wondering what topics you felt were heavy and which ones you'd recommend focusing on. TIA
  4. S

    257 on step 1/265 on step 2

    Hey! Congrats on being done with STep 2! I was wondering what topics you felt were heavy and which ones you'd recommend focusing on. TIA