Recent content by seper

  1. S

    Big Rad Onc performing TH consults

    yes but don’t you want to know if anatomy will permit placing an implant (and what type of implant)
  2. S

    Big Rad Onc performing TH consults

    Teleconsult is such a lazy way to eval pt for radiation… even know a guy who does video consult for cervical brachy eval
  3. S

    Clinical Written 2024

    cold, hard cash… beats ABR and ACR
  4. S

    Why is rad onc not more competitive?

    seen 2 departments switching to fully remote dosimetry… Afterwards, not a single dosimetrist wanted to set foot in filthy hospital ever again
  5. S

    Rad Onc Twitter

    41.4 Gy is hard to salvage and palliate… at the time of relapse people would ask at tumor board if you’ve done the right thing.. at least after I’ve given 50.4 Gy I can say yes
  6. S

    VA Radiation Oncology jobs?

    what choice do people have if they need to live in Boston? You go to work for MGH or a Umass satellite, which pays the same of course
  7. S

    Zap-X and SRS

    no vault, no cobalt? that’d be nice
  8. S

    Why is rad onc not more competitive?

    The way life works, there is usually a price to pay for being too creative (? karma or something).
  9. S

    Why is rad onc not more competitive?

    correct. I’ve read GynOnc contracts with a hospital forbidding them to live > 30 min drive away. Have not seen a similar clause for RadOncs, however
  10. S

    Why is rad onc not more competitive?

    When Radonc was in demand, all match spots went to US grads
  11. S

    Difficulty recruiting

    A Doximity poll… but broadly in line with what I hear
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    Difficulty recruiting

    This time of the year the Riviera part of FL is more fun than Tampa
  13. S

    CMS changes supervision rule. Rad Oncs no longer needed for daily operation of clinics. Med Students. Please read. You deserve to know implications.

    When a University (chair is in ASTRO) takes over a small hospital and proceeds to push out the solo RadOnc working there, one selling point is “we will always have a free doc there for you”. seen this firsthand many times