Recent content by Shikima

  1. Shikima

    Are people getting worse in regards to mental health?

    Yes. We've become more immature with poor distress tolerance over the subsequent years and generations.
  2. Shikima

    There are wins sometimes

    These doctors are the ones that need MOC.
  3. Shikima

    Frequency of appointments

    Keep going monthly. Insurance will let you know. I have many I see monthly for years.
  4. Shikima

    Tired of this

    This kind of prescribing should mandate board complaints.
  5. Shikima

    Reprimanded for using non-inclusive language

    Or just skip 3rd person pronouns and stick with specific questions involving the word 'You". How are you doing today? What is bothering you today? How are your medications working? Keep the exam focused. You are welcome to listen to long embellished stories if you have the time...
  6. Shikima

    DEA announces proposed rules for permanent telemedicine flexibilities

    I wish I knew how to read lawyer better.
  7. Shikima

    Whether to admit “behavioral” children from ED

    Honestly, you're making the argument for needing more therapists and case managers for teaching people how to live differently. We need 1000 fold increase in clinicians to teach people better living rather than bandaid and embellishment strategies hoping that will quiet down the use of services.
  8. Shikima

    DEA announces proposed rules for permanent telemedicine flexibilities

    I was just thinking the same thing or any controlled need to be seen in person monthly and only getting 30 days at a time. When are the new rules supposed to go into effect so I can plan accordingly?
  9. Shikima

    Psych NP "settles" the debate

    The virtue signalling is strong with this one. It's hard work attempting to remain relevant.
  10. Shikima

    Which psychiatry sub-fields are most resistant to mid-level scope creep?

    Honestly, the only area would be forensics.
  11. Shikima

    Tips to avoid stigmatizing language

    I like stigmatizing language. It's clear and concise. If your feelings are hurt from language as a professional, might be a warning sign for something bigger that needs to be addressed.
  12. Shikima

    Serious Psych Programs to Steer From [2023]

    LSU Shreveport has a new chair. The old chair was super malignant and destroyed the department due to her ego coupled with other malignant faculty.
  13. Shikima


    Now in Soylent Blue and Red!