Recent content by SMP Adcom

  1. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    Not to be difficult, but what separates those who are accepted right away from a SMP and those who aren't is mostly how they performed during the SMP. There is no definite way to predict how someone is going to do. We have accepted students who we were sure would do well and did not perform...
  2. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    First of all, I'd finish strong at school and get that MCAT handled. with an uptrend like you describe, and a strong senior year, you could possibly reach 3.5 or higher before you graduate. 3.5 is a little low, but it is within the range of accepted medical students. With a solid MCAT, you...
  3. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    I'm sorry, but I make it a point to try not to comment on specific programs. My recommendations would be to post this question in the Post-Bacc thread here on SDN, or to talk with a pre-med advisor who knows you, or with an admissions counselor for a school you are interested in.
  4. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    When you apply to med school, AMCAS will calculate your GPA and provide an overall undergrad GPA, a Post-Bacc GPA if applicable (and this will be added into your overall undergrad) and a graduate GPA. If you do a Post-Bacc, it will be shown as a separate GPA, but most medical schools will...
  5. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    The one advantage you would have doing the post-bacc at this school is you would have the chance to meet some of the professors who are involved in the medical school and perhaps get their help in being accepted. Beyond that, you're probably correct that doing a post-bacc there or somewhere...
  6. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    I would suggest calculating how high a solid (3.8 or higher) post-bacc GPA would raise your overall and BCPM GPA. If they won't be raised to competitive levels after the program, I would go the SMP route.
  7. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    The first thing I would do is consider focusing very hard on your Sr yr. Your current situation is not unsalvageable. If anyone does not need to take an SMP (or post-bacc) I think they should avoid it. An SMP or post-bacc are very useful tools, but they are expensive and take a lot of focus...
  8. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    Generally speaking, A one year program in biomedical sciences is going to be a graduate program, taking graduate classes in the sciences. A SMP will be a graduate program taking some, or no, graduate classes, as well as classes with medical students. The advantage of an SMP is that it will...
  9. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    There is not enough information here for me to give you valid advice. However, the fact is, if your GPA is that low, a post-bacc may not be enough to help you.
  10. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    Your stats are on the edge of being average. Your GPA is solid, your BCPM could be better (and that could be hurting you a little) and your MCAT is solid. I think doing well in an SMP, you will likely have a very good chance to get into medical school, but you could very well do fine on...
  11. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    I don't know exactly how med school committees work, having not been on one myself, but I can tell you what I've seen in applicants. If you are *certain* that you would do better at a different school, I would consider transferring. Doing a post-bacc, you don't want to come out with 3.3...
  12. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    I can't comment on the financial aspects of a particular program. I woudl recommend contacting someone at that school and asking that question of them. I really don't know your application. It is next to impossible to give specific advice to a person about their particular situation, since I...
  13. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    Generally, a person with your stats should be helped with an SMP, as long as you do well. That's not even considering that doing an SMP should help you do better on the MCAT, if you needed it as well. a 29 MCAT is not a bad score. It was good enough to get you three interviews (along with...
  14. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    You definitely have some work cut out for you to correct that GPA, but it is doable. You can take classes at any four year institution. I would recommend trying to: 1. finish any pre-reqs you have not already taken, and then 2. take upper-division science courses that you have not yet taken...
  15. S

    Post-Bacc and Special Masters Programs

    Percentages of students accepted really varies by program. You do not mention which school you got into (nor should you) but I would contact them and ask, historically, what their number is. With a 3.5, 31, you are not that far from being statistically competitive. A post-bacc could help...