Recent content by smq123

  1. smq123

    Elective paracentesis

    I had a patient come in (I'm family med) for severe anxiety. She was devastated because her "soul mate" (exact phrase she used) was very ill and was probably going to die soon. She had taken him to an acupuncture specialist, and herbal specialist, several other specialists and dietitians, to...
  2. smq123

    Non-surgeons performing surgery in England.

    Cross posted in General Residency forum. Closing. Please go there to comment.
  3. smq123

    Sign of things to come?

    Can someone translate that into American physician-ese?
  4. smq123

    Is residency worth it?

    She’s an MS3.
  5. smq123

    Help with choosing specialty

    Do you have the grades for derm?
  6. smq123

    Is residency worth it?

    Yes. But OP has posted that her family has a nice house already; generally houses have more space than apartments.
  7. smq123

    Is residency worth it?

    Yes, nannies are expensive. But they're not the only option. Many hospitals/residency programs offer in-house daycares, which have more residency-friendly hours. The hospital where I work now has one, as did the hospital where I went to med school. Another option would be an au pair. If...
  8. smq123

    Is residency worth it?

    So, I think that you're basing your thinking/decision making process on two periods of time that are very intense, but also short and that don't last forever. For context - I had my kids 7 years after residency. One is 5, one is 3. I went part time when my oldest was born, working .6FTE (=...
  9. smq123

    Is residency worth it?

    Well....let's be fair to the OP. I don't think she's exaggerating. I work with an NP who had a baby 2 years ago. When she came back to work, her mom was willing to babysit the baby for 6 months, so she started looking for a nanny at the end of her maternity leave. She found a few nannies who...
  10. smq123

    Is residency worth it?

    What were your childcare arrangements during your rotations? Or did you never need to go in early, stay late/overnight, or work weekends during your third year? What do you plan on doing (if you don’t do residency) when your children are old enough to be in school?
  11. smq123

    EM FM boarded

    I agree with VAHopeful. Some doctors do things that are outright frightening -it's not infrequent either, unfortunately. We make fun of NPs or PAs for not knowing their limits or for not knowing basic stuff or not having enough common sense - but some MDs/DOs are just as bad.
  12. smq123

    1 year attending job?

    When do you find out where you match?
  13. smq123

    1 year attending job?

    Year long locums jobs are out there but not super common. More likely it would be a string of locums assignments. No one is going to think it's weird that her first job out of residency was urgent care or locums if she explains the situation (one year to kill in a random location while you do...
  14. smq123

    1 year attending job?

    In family medicine? Usually urgent care or locums. Or they suck it up and spend a year doing long distance. I'm a little surprised that your spouse hasn't suggested the urgent care option. Does she not want to do urgent care? (full disclosure - I hate urgent care and wouldn't want to do it...
  15. smq123

    1 year attending job?

    Generally, yes, a lot of places are going to mind A LOT if she plans on staying for just a year. Even if she doesn't come right out and say that that's her plan, once they ask why she's looking in that particular geographic location, most places will be able to read between the lines and figure...