Recent content by SoCuteMD

  1. SoCuteMD

    How to break moderately bad news

    "So, we know what's causing your pain. It looks like you have..."
  2. SoCuteMD

    Central Line: Advice on Making the Nick

    I usually nick over the needle. Solves the issue of worrying about cutting the wire.
  3. SoCuteMD

    Discharge Cocktails

    Asthma - steroids, albuterol inhaler, steroid inhaler (I have started giving this as part of my discharge of asthma patients) Anaphylaxis - steroids, benadryl, a non-sedating histamine blocker, epi pen
  4. SoCuteMD

    Skype/phone interview while deployed

    I think that the difficulty lies in you being able to assess programs rather than programs being able to assess you, if that makes any sense.
  5. SoCuteMD

    ED Ultrasound: When is it useful?

    We see lots of early pregnancy stuff, so it's very useful for documenting IUP. I hate ultrasound guided IVs with a passion. They started teaching nursing how to do them here, but that rapidly tapered off (I think after nursing figured out how much work they were). I agree that as soon as US...
  6. SoCuteMD

    Residency Training Overkill

    I've never heard a new attending say, "I'm too prepared for this job."
  7. SoCuteMD

    Dr. Young's Essential Oils?!?

    I had a patient who was in the ER for a headache tell me she preferred naturopathic remedies when I offered her Motrin and Reglan. I refrained from suggesting I could try to transfer her to the naturopathic ER.
  8. SoCuteMD

    Disability Insurance

    I bought Berkshire Guardian. I did buy the COLA rider. I forget what my benefit is. I had a family friend who is in the industry review the policies and did extensive research before deciding on Berkshire. It's expensive, though. I'm hoping I can drop it once we have the mortgage paid (on a...
  9. SoCuteMD

    Financial advice before residency

    Just a note to everyone who is considering doing IBR and is also contributing to retirement: you are doing yourself a HUGE disservice if you are doing IBR and are prioritizing contributing to a Roth/Backdoor Roth over contributing to a 401k/403b. Your contributions to your 403b lower your AGI...
  10. SoCuteMD

    Match day

    I thought all the EM spots filled and it was just some unfilled EM/IM spots?
  11. SoCuteMD

    Financial planners

    He doesn't give financial planning advice. He gives tax planning advice ;)
  12. SoCuteMD

    Financial planners

    My fiancé is a tax accountant so he sees the work of financial planners first hand. According to him, most of them have no idea what they are doing and a lot of them make recommendations that are most advantageous for them, rather than most advantageous for you. So, if you are going to hire a...
  13. SoCuteMD

    Possible to study for oral boards alone?

    Can you get someone to Skype cases with you? A friend of mine also had the Okuda book and we would do the cases by phone. Worked great. (yes, you will most likely pass studying on your own, too!)
  14. SoCuteMD

    David Newman allegations

    I've talked to a few colleagues about the allegations against Dr. Newman. In at least two cases, the physician hadn't heard anything of the allegations until we discussed it. Interesting, they almost automatically assumed he was guilty.