Recent content by somekevinguy

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    2007-08 Interview Invites

    Arkansas: U of Arkansas-Reba2223, utbelle, doc4u2008 Arizona: Phoenix Children's Hospital-Reba2223 California: USC - Jendizzle, CookieCrisp Childrens Oakland - izzy08, praderwilli08 Kaiser Oakland - praderwilli08, izzy08 CHLA - izzy08, somekevinguy Kaiser South/LA - Jendizzle Loma...
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    How to properly choose schools and complete secondaries? (california style)

    I would caution against being overconfident...your numbers are decent, but not really enough to separate you from thousands of others out there. Interviewing/research etc should help you out there. also, the career center has a website that shows how cal students have done at the top 20 med...
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    UC Berkeley students/alumni click here

    To the person who asked about FSI competitiveness, the answer is that no, just because you take IDS 130 doesnt mean you get to do FSI. FSI is actually fairly competitive as we get from 80-100+ applications for 24 spots. There is a separate application and interview proccess for FSI...
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    UC Berkeley students/alumni click here

    i know someone has already mentioned it, but id definitely check out terms of the most worthwhile clinical experiences I had at Cal, FSI is at the top of the list...followed by footwashing at suitcase.....cho floor volunteering is nice in that you get to play with kids but i really did...
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    For Berkeley students applying to hopkins...

    youll be fine with letters from profs..they know that thats the way berkeley students do it bc we have no committee.
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    Full Ride at Duke!

    wow...word gets around huh...(i suppose mdapps prob contributes just a tiny bit to that)..anyways, big congrats to JH..brilliant guy no doubt.
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    HMS Class of 2008

    Thanks! I was thinking that was a good idea...those UCSF kids hehe. Also, I was you folks know when we're supposed to get our emails and student ID's (or at least the number)?
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    UCSF Alternate List Movement

    mentoz, where would you be headed instead? new haven?...?
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    HMS Class of 2008

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    HMS Class of 2008

    wow, it seems like everyone's doing func (or at least those hms'ers on sdn). am i gonna be walking around in the woods by myself? Any FEATers out there? Also, are most folks living in Vandy? I finally got my room assignment a few days ago. room 202 for me
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    HMS Class of 2008

    Yeah, not too many cali people. ANd Im pretty sure I met went to uci yeah? (I went to Cal, yes). Ill let ya know what room I end up with. Anyhow, I'm out for now. skg
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    HMS Class of 2008

    Hey lilmspiano- I didn't know that they had a waitlist for vandy- i thought it was guaranteed housing? Also, when did they send you the housing stuff? I sent my stuff mid/late May and have yet to receive anything..... Any other HMS folks have/lack their housing info? Thanks.
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    HMS Class of 2008

    Ok...well, I'm going to be THAT guy and start a thread for our entering class. Everyone else has one, so why not us huh? :) Feel free to post whatever might be of interest. For starters, anyone planning on going on FEAT? I'll be there.
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    UCSF v. Harvard! a wonderful dilemma.

    hey ordinarygraces, were you at 2nd look for HMS? anyhow, my vote goes to HMS :)- it'd be nice to have ya there.
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    UCSF Alternate List Movement

    kormex, mind if i ask where youre headed to instead?