Recent content by spondy14

  1. S

    neurosurgeons doing pain medicine injections

    I can't seem to find this requirement in the Medicare Guidelines, can someone provide the link?
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    Ultrasound machine

    Maybe you could clarify what you are billing or give some examples. I work with a large ortho group and for example: When I get a referral for an 1. IA hip injection (20611) 2. Subacromial injection (20611) 3. Greater troch injection (20611) 4. Glenohumeral injection (20611) 5. AC injection...
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    Ultrasound machine

    Billing a diagnostic code in this situation is not recommended. This is bundled into the injection code and you are not diagnosing anything.
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    Ultrasound machine

    Why are you not getting paid for the ultrasound? There is a small difference between the 20610 and 20611, but with high volume it certainly makes sense. Of course, you have to own the ultrasound machine to collect the technical competent that helps with that payment.
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    New Medicare LCD for epidural treatment under proposal

    Anyone know if this is already in effect or when the projected start date is?
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    Spinal stenosis and TFESI case planning?

    Left L5 TFESI, surgical consult
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    New Nationwide Policy on Facet Joint Interventions

    Can you share this info and where it originated from?
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    New Nationwide Policy on Facet Joint Interventions

    After reading it closer, it appears IA therapeutic facet injections will be phased out. The only way they get done is if there is a documented reason that they cannot have RF.
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    New CPT coding for facet/MBB/RFA-- decreased reimbursement?

    Anybody with an update on this issue? My coder just figured this out and it appears the second facet joint, second level is not getting paid. Anyone going through appeal process? Anyone doing less facet joints because of it? Not a big fan of doing procedures for free..
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    10 Mil?!? Who's gonna make that much....? Gonna take 25-30 years, no kids, no debt, crazy busy (fraudulently aggressive), abnormally high investment returns, and probably some luck. I'd be done, but sounds unrealistic...
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    MNBB with coumadin for A-fib

    Steve, have you stopped holding coumadin/Plavix for TFESI?
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    May 18th: Stand up for Spine Injections for Oregon Medicaid Patients!

    Can someone from Oregon please explain this? Insurance still covers these procedures? Any predictions for the future for other states?
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    Counting nerves

    When doing a median and ulnar antidromic sensory, along with mixed palmar studies to confirm CTS, how many nerve conductions are counted. I have heard different things from different insurance companies. What's the consensus out there? Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile
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    genicular nerve RF

    Anyone start doing cooled RF in the office yet? How about ASC?