Recent content by sugababe81

  1. S

    surgical slang...

    Is there such a thing? I came up with a few phrases that I feel are very "surgical" or at least "intern".. Can you think of others? “Hep Lock him” “Liver rounds” “Hang a banana bag” “Drop an NG” “Vent his G-tube” – “Clamp his G-tube” – “Her lungs are wet” – “She looks dry” – "she...
  2. S

    What exactly is CBI?

    I don't know if I understand CBI. What is it exactly and when do you use it? Are there any contra-indications? How do you know when to stop it? Is it only a post-op thing?
  3. S

    consents and complications related to certain procedures

    i'm trying to put together a list of potentials related to specific procedures (for future interns, for med students). what kind of complications do you think of for: hernias, lower extrem bypass, angio, lap chole/appy, craniotomy, amputations, lines? Or: Laparoscopic surgery: bile duct...
  4. S

    fluid management - some questiona

    I have some questions in regards to fluid management.. - why do you bolus with only LR and NS, and not 1/2 NS, for example? - postop patients - do you generally put them on LR for the first day or so? why not maintenance right away? - do you guys give albumin to your postop patients to help...
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    Reccomended Booklist for Radiology Residents

    I got this list from a program somewhere on the east coast. Not sure how good it is? · Gastrointestinal Radiology 1. Practical Alimentary Radiology by Margulis. 1. Text by Dunnick · Chest Radiology 1. Text by Webb 2...
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    Reccomended Booklist for Radiology Residents

    What are some of the books people use for their residency? Any specific books reccomended before starting as an R1, any review books especially good for the boards, etc?
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    I have the Absite Killer... PM me if interested.
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    New York/ New Jersey/Penn Rad programs

    what is the st vincents program like?
  9. S

    Emerg Books for an Emerg Rotation

    First Emerg rotation, any books that you reccomend are essential??
  10. S

    Books for Surgical Residency

    Doing a prelim surgery yr and then a residency in Rads. I don't need anything detailed, but something to keep me going for the year. From what I've read, the best is to pick up: Washington Manual Internship Survival Guide (2Rev Ed) DeFer, Thomas M.; Lin, Grace A.; Lin, Tammy L...
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    Part-time MBA in Manhattan during residency?

    Hi all, I am new to this forum, and have gone through some of the threads. I'm starting my Radiology residency in Manhattan and sometime in the next 4 yrs, I have started to tihnk about doing my MBA part-time. Does anyone know if this would be possible and if so, some programs in manhattan...
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    A question for Upper Year Canadians in Ireland

    Applications for ERAS go out starting Sep.1st - 8 weeks of having started working as an intern, and hence, 1 reference letter, if you managed to shine during those 1st 8 weeks on the wards.
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    A question for Upper Year Canadians in Ireland

    You can complete your internship in the US and receive Irish Medical Council registration. You do NOT have to do your intern year in Ireland in order to be registered/licensed here. You can do it outside the country, once it is approved by the Dean of your medical school.
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    How hard is it to get a GP residency in Canada as Canadian from an Irish med school?

    You need to pass the MCCEE in order to get a J1 visa!!
  15. S

    Prelim Surgery Year

    Hi guys I've read some reviews on what a Prelim Surg year is like but if anyone has either done one or knows what it's like, I'd appreciate any replies. I.e. Do they follow the 80 hr work-week? Are we expected to perform many procedures? The usual call system? Is there room for teaching at...