Recent content by Sweet Tea

  1. Sweet Tea

    Pediatric Fellowship call

    This depends entirely on your sub-specialty. My fellowship call was very different from my husband's fellowship call though we are both pediatricians. Other things to consider is how big your program is; call with 1 fellow per year or 1 fellow every other year is going to look very different...
  2. Sweet Tea

    Interesting Pediatric Fellowships?

    Just going to put in a plug for child abuse fellowships. They are accredited so funding is not an issue, but it is 3 years. And it is super cool.
  3. Sweet Tea

    Pediatric Subspecialists

    There are so many options depending on which field you go into. Only rarely do subspecialists treat just one thing; they're physicians not technicians. Fields like Peds EM and PICU are not going to be doing a lot of well child checks, and are likely to be focused on a specific problem, but it...
  4. Sweet Tea

    EVMS vs Louisville?

    Ah you're right. It's been awhile and it was a long haul over to SNGH if you weren't on nursery. I tried to never be on nursery.
  5. Sweet Tea

    Gap between residency and fellowship?

    I worked as a hospitalist for 3 years after fellowship before going back for my child abuse fellowship. Pros: attending salary is way better, having a kid as an attending vs having a kid when you're a resident or fellow is way better, definitely gave me a better appreciation for "real-world"...
  6. Sweet Tea

    EVMS vs Louisville?

    Also an EVMS grad and so I'm biased, but I absolutely loved my time there and can't imagine residency any place else. The only thing I would have changed about my time would have been to have the cafeteria open 24 hrs/day. That being said, the adult hospital next door was open 24/7.
  7. Sweet Tea

    advice for an M3 on handling crying kiddos

    BRB's exam technique is spot-on. Mouth and ears are the last thing I do. I talk to the parents, and leave the kid with mom and dad. I use this time to feel out the kid...are they a "song and dance" kind of kid who will open up if you put on a show and sing a silly song, or are they a...
  8. Sweet Tea

    family friendly peds residencies

    Out of 19 people in my residency class, 7 of us had babies while residents. And that was just my class...other classes were gestating, too. I was at CHKD in Norfolk, VA. The nice thing about everyone being pregnant is that we were all in the same situation and we were all willing to help each...
  9. Sweet Tea

    ALTE case?

    As a pediatric hospitalist, I would have no problem admitting this baby for obs. I likely wouldn't order any labs or radiation therapy unless the kid decided to have another episode. Best case scenario is what I call the "extremely boring admission" (and this is what I tell the parents just so...
  10. Sweet Tea

    Peds Residency App Advice-need to stay in NC

    1) NC rocks 2) GO HEELS!! Chapel Hill is my hometown...this is my reaction whenever I see anything Duke-related. ;) 3) As someone who suicided the pediatrics match, I would say that if you have a personal, strong connection to a particular program then MILK IT. Do away rotations, make...
  11. Sweet Tea

    Spina Bifida History

    Remember to include questions asking about voiding/stooling patterns, and if they use vesicostomy tubes and the like, and also evaluate for pressure sores. Obviously, this will depend on their mobility but it's really easy to miss a pressure sore on someone who can't feel the sore.
  12. Sweet Tea

    How can we help the residents

    Back when I was a senior resident (not quite the dark ages), I typically liked to sit my med students down and give them a run-down on what was expected of them. It's no fair asking the med students to meet certain goals if they don't know what those goals are, you know? There are some things...
  13. Sweet Tea

    Diablo 3

    Besides, you just finished Kingdoms of Amalur. ;)
  14. Sweet Tea

    Peds residency concerns

    Could be an interesting conversation point in an interview if you're applying for a child abuse fellowship. ;)
  15. Sweet Tea

    Laughing your way

    Exactly what I was going to say. And your AAP membership should come with your residency.