SXMMD's latest activity

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    SXMMD reacted to chessknt's post in the thread Am I a nobody? with Like Like.
    Sure just split that chemo revenue you generate from seeing so many people with them so they stop making $32/rvu. Im sure they'd love to...
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    SXMMD reacted to HemeOncHopeful19's post in the thread Am I a nobody? with Like Like.
    In my experience the patient who has come to the hospital 5 times in 2 months either a) has not actually made it to their outpatient...
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    SXMMD reacted to chessknt's post in the thread Am I a nobody? with Like Like.
    But that is the discussion that oncologists (and honestly most specialists) aren't having. You're talking about hospice vs full code, I...
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    SXMMD reacted to chessknt's post in the thread Am I a nobody? with Like Like.
    But does doing CPR on them produce good outcomes? Why not discuss that they have a life-threatening condition and while the goal is to...
  • S
    As an internist I consider high dose IDDM or uncontrolled T2DM at least slightly immunocompromised. Someone with an A1c of 6.4 on 500 of...