Recent content by tdod

  1. tdod

    Good dermatology textbook for lots of pictures?

    I'm an EM resident and I want to get better at rash recognition. Are there any great books with copious amounts of pictures of rashes that I can use to make flash cards?
  2. tdod

    What do do with IDDM / sulfonylurea patients that must be NPO?

    These patients can easily become hypoglycemic, especially if they have long acting medications and/or AKI. How do you like to prevent hypoglycemia? (i.e. 1/2 NS D5W maintenance fluid? frequent POC glucose?)?
  3. tdod

    "More cyst than abscess;" what is it? how to manage?

    PGY-1 here with little experience with abscesses. On my second shift we had a patient come in with an "abscess." It looked like an abscess externally, even was expressing some pus. However, I&D expressed almost exclusively blood. There was little change in size of the mass. The attending said...
  4. tdod

    Does hemoglobin matter when deciding to transfuse a trauma patient?

    I understand your point and I agree with you in theory... However, whenever I argued that point to an OB-Gyn attending during a zoom lecture she said I was wrong and my peers agreed with her.
  5. tdod

    Does hemoglobin matter when deciding to transfuse a trauma patient?

    During trauma resuscitation is any attention paid to hemoglobin levels [i.e. "Hb is 10.0 so don't transfuse PRBC"], or is the decision exclusively about hemodynamics and circulation exam? I assume that a low Hb would indicate transfusion requirement, so my main question is would a normal Hb...
  6. tdod

    I am MS4 preparing to take Step 3 ASAP after graduation. is awesome. Tons of cases, specific scoring, concise explanations, and very affordable. I 100% recommend for anyone nervous about the CCS component.
  7. tdod

    How hard is it to schedule step 3 before starting residency?

    I start residency on 6/23, and I have one mandatory day on 6/16. This gives me a 3 week scheduling window. However, I understand that I cannot schedule Step 3 until after I have graduated (5/30). I have no idea how long it takes to schedule the exam and whether or not all my school stuff will be...
  8. tdod

    To what extent does residency program determine future employment options

    I am trying to Decide between several programs on my rank list. One is well-established, whereas another one is a very new HCA program. The benefit of the new HCA program is that it gives my wife and I a much better chance of ending up in the same place during residency. My concern is Whether...
  9. tdod

    What's the max # of EM rotations for the current cycle?

    This thread was about the 2020 cycle, which was different because of COVID pandemic. Your understanding would be correct for years prior to 2020, and presumably will be correct once things get back to normal. IDK if they have said anything regarding 2021 expectations.
  10. tdod

    Do pre interview Socials affect how programs rank us?

    I.e. do the residents communicate their impressions of us during the social to the ranking committee? These zoom socials are so boring. They are just Q&A’s, and half the questions people ask are things that can be easily answered with a google search. I want to do flash cards or read or watch...
  11. tdod

    Is it best to do the easiest possible AI or an ICU AI?

    My school doesn't offer an EM AI, so I have to do either an IM or ICU AI in order to graduate. Would the experience ICU AI be of significant benefit to me as a resident? Or should I just do whatever AI is most convenient for me and enjoy 4th year as much as I can? I have no other good ICU...
  12. tdod

    Anyone else getting invites on Thalamus but not on ERAS?

    I've gotten 2 invites on Thalamus but none on ERAS. I've submitted everything. Anyone else having this issue?
  13. tdod

    Expectations for interview frequency, dates, times?

    I plan on accepting 17 interviews this year (the maximum). I'm wondering when to expect to have the interviews, as I need to also decide when to take certain MS4 courses that have particular schedule requirements. i.e. are interviews usually held on saturdays/sundays or are they any day of the...
  14. tdod

    How many programs should I apply to?

    I have to cast a broad net b/c my wife is a year below me and I want to end up in a place where she has a high likelihood of matching into a nearby institution (therefore I'm looking at big cities, esp. Houston, Detroit, Chicago, New York.). Given that we can only attend 17 interviews this...
  15. tdod

    question on giving IVF to patients with high shock index

    If you have a patient that has a high shock index I know you don't want to always through IVF at him, as this could worsen an obstructive or cardiogenic shock. On the other hand, if the patient is highly unstable you may not want to wait for that workup before resuscitating. In the latter case I...