Recent content by Tenk

  1. Tenk

    Vacation time during MS3/MS4 (reflect poorly for competitive specialty?)

    Either is fine but lighter is always better so you can save your flex or vacation time for the end. Your post match self will thank you.
  2. Tenk


    Have her watch this classic.
  3. Tenk


    That doesn’t really bother me. That’s obviously evil so I’d just punch it in the face. It’s the normal clowns I don’t like. I don’t trust them. This all started when I was a kid and my grandma took me to a McDonald’s to meet Ronald McDonald and I cried. I’ve hated them ever since.
  4. Tenk


    I thought this thread was going to be about treating clowns in the emergency department and if you were comfortable doing so. I personally hate clowns and would have a difficult time treating one. Clowns suck.
  5. Tenk

    Transport liability

    Yes, and most state laws actually protect EMS and police/emergent transport to the point of almost never being at fault. Another reason to get tf out of the way when you see one.
  6. Tenk

    Transport liability

    While helicopter crashes are real and kill people, unless the ambulance is getting hit by a train I doubt anything would happen to the patient. Those things are basically tanks and the patient is usually in the middle of the ambulance strapped down and locked to the floor.
  7. Tenk

    Does having a niche/theme in residency applications matter as much as it did back in premed?

    Not really unless you’re applying to an ultra competitive specialty and your area of interest has absolutely nothing to do with that. For instance you’re applying neurosurgery and your research is in IVF.
  8. Tenk

    Can we stop w necrobumping program review threads

    The only good thing about identifying a dissection on a code is that you can call the code and go see the guy who has been waiting in room 8 for his medication refill who immediately asks what took so long.
  9. Tenk

    Rant: Shift Change Etiquette

    The one and only
  10. Tenk

    Rant: Shift Change Etiquette

    I used to show up right at shift time but realized that wasn’t very professional so now I’m usually 5-10 min early. Being late is all bad but how late we talking? There’s a pretty big difference between 5 minutes and 15 minutes in terms of annoyance. It seems to rise exponential. Side story: I...
  11. Tenk

    Pediatric Airway review, tips, and resources

    I had a tube a 15 month old the other day and I forgot how useless pediatric stylets are. I pretty much use exclusively video laryngoscopy and in particular the glide scope at my shop. I had no problem with view but tube was floppy. Still got it first try but was nerve wracking. Anyways, I...
  12. Tenk

    24 Hour shifts

    It was definitely something.