Recent content by theseeker4

  1. theseeker4

    wife giving birth during intern year

    All I will point out is that you can plan everything perfectly, and then everything can change when something happens with the pregnancy. With our second child, he was born via scheduled c-section September of my intern year, so I had a scheduled vacation all set for the week after delivery...
  2. theseeker4

    All-Star Chief Complaints

    "I heard you have sandwiches.....made with turkey....."
  3. theseeker4

    Religious Garb

    Basic human respect and decency is provided without having to provide a physician of the patient's preferred gender. If a patient checks into triage and says "I would prefer a male/female physician if possible" and they are able to accommodate that, perfect. Everyone is happy. This is almost...
  4. theseeker4

    Religious Garb

    Not in the EMERGENCY department. Finding a PCP/OB/GYN/Etc? Knock yourself out.
  5. theseeker4

    Anavip vs Crofrab?

    I understand that. I meant they should be able to get the venom needed from the closest zoo that has these species.
  6. theseeker4

    Anavip vs Crofrab?

    I thought zoos that housed these snakes generally needed to have the antivenom (if it is available) for the snakes they house. Is that not correct?
  7. theseeker4

    “Well then why do I have this pain?” UGH!

    I say I don't know all the time. If a patient comes in and lists all the specialists they have seen who haven't been able to help them, I start the conversation saying "I can pretty much guarantee that I won't be able to find the answer to what is going on with you today. I will treat your...
  8. theseeker4

    Pain management guidelines - (Can someone offer/link a brief outline for help during rotations)

    I agree with that you say about narcotics. Perhaps I didn't phrase it properly, but what I was trying to say is as a resident, it will be difficult to predict the various attending styles without experience. I personally think narcotics should be avoided in most circumstances, especially as an...
  9. theseeker4

    Pain management guidelines - (Can someone offer/link a brief outline for help during rotations)

    You are never going to be able to know what to suggest, until you work with a particular attending enough to know what they like. This is because it is highly variable between physicians. Some try to avoid opiates if at all possible, some give opiates to almost everyone unless they refuse. Some...
  10. theseeker4

    How often have you caught patients in a lie perpetuated for years?

    If they are questioning it, why aren't they discharging the patients? Very easy to sit upstairs and say "this patient shouldn't be admitted / doesn't need admission," but often after the patient gets to the floor, they end up in patient for several days, if not longer, from what you are saying...
  11. theseeker4

    How often have you caught patients in a lie perpetuated for years?

    The real question you have, then, is why your attending is letting these patients sit on their service that long getting those meds......Easy cycle to break if you are willing to let the patient complain; just stop the IV meds. Also, it is cute that an IM PGY1 is thinking he/she can judge EM...
  12. theseeker4


    The nurses' pay should depend on this.
  13. theseeker4

    What causes failure to make partner?

    I know what you are trying to say, but please re-read what you wrote. "100% of those who make partner make partner".......
  14. theseeker4

    DC EMS No Longer Transporting Non-emergencies

    Sounds great, but all it will take is one bad outcome from someone who called 911 with a seemingly minor complaint who was denied transport to the hospital to be plastered all over the news for them to change the policy, and probably have a huge lawsuit payout. I would love for this to work...
  15. theseeker4

    Distracting the Children: PEM

    This applies to a lot of my patients in every age group......