Recent content by thuc

  1. thuc

    Is it possible for a FM doc to make 500K?

    agree with the above. in general, higher productivity = higher income. that could change in the future. this year, our medical groups are undergoing a trial of performance-based pay that will generate a bonus if we hit certain metrics. another consideration for higher income is concierge...
  2. thuc

    Compilation Med school blogs sent from my iPhone
  3. thuc

    Compilation Med school blogs sent from my iPhone
  4. thuc

    Compilation Med school blogs sent from my iPhone
  5. thuc

    which candidate supports increasing residency slots

    that's a great start tho. thanks for sharing that. I'll start stalking that bills progress now. sent from my iPhone
  6. thuc

    How far do you want to live from work?

    with some of the jobs I interviewed at, there was a requirement to live within 30 minutes of the hospital even tho I was not an admitting physician. right now I'm a little less than 10 minutes away to my clinic and that has been awesome. (30 from hosp) sent from my iPhone
  7. thuc

    The further along I go

    be comfortable with what you know and more importantly, what you don't know. refer when it's the latter. learning doesn't stop after residency. it's a lifelong endeavor with plenty journals, conferences, and peer interaction! don't be afraid to ask partners in your office or even call your...
  8. thuc

    Jobs without board certification

    there are a few jobs that will hire without board certification but you must be able to get a license. so, it depends on the state licensing requirements and the job availability in that state for those without BC. one of my friends is a GP in a prison : has a license, no BC.
  9. thuc

    Philippines is better than Caribbean!

    if it's about the money, you should also consider european schools. talk to DevilDoc on the ValueMD forum. he's currently going to an EU school and can attest to how affordable it is. i dont know anything about the asian or european schools. i went to a caribbean one. but i do want to...
  10. thuc

    Physician Salary

    i agree with Sheldor. it's what you take home before taxes and fees.
  11. thuc

    Family Practice - Business Administration/MBA fellowship

    i think the ACPE board cert would be an extra testament to your commitment to leadership and management. i dont think it's absolutely necessary but it's certainly achievable and helpful. but to sit for the ACPE boards, you have to have a graduate management degree first. (MBA, MMM, MHA MS in...
  12. thuc

    FM-OB fellowship in 3 years?

    what year are you? if you're a first year, you could transfer to an FP program with stronger OB experience. some FP programs have an OB track that's really good for that. this would still keep your training to 3 years long. if you're a second year, then don't transfer. because the ABFM...
  13. thuc

    Family Practice - Business Administration/MBA fellowship

    i don't believe so. most healthcare administration fellowships are open only to those with an MBA, MHA, MMM, MS in public health etc. here's the link for the American College of Healthcare Executives directory of fellowships i've been trying to access the AAFP's directory of fellowships for...
  14. thuc

    Need Advice

    double check that the programs you applied to are IMG friendly. i dont know how many you are applying to in each field, but you may want to consider applying to more since you're diversified into 3 fields. did you apply to places where you did rotations?
  15. thuc

    Most accurate salary info

    Hi TexasPhysician, I definitely agree with you that stats are not well represented. It's only as good as the physicians that write back on their surveys. Plus, the stats are often reported as medians not as averages so there may be some confusion about what that means to a querent. In...