Recent content by wident1

  1. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    Thanks to that Doctor... My name is William my phone (650) 867-4587 I live in the Bay Area and so ...I'm ready to join to the group
  2. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    email me...or better call me
  3. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    Buddies, I have 5 people Who want to share the cost of the rent of the DVDs if you wanna be part... email me and make arrangements to do it... More people ...more cheaper... [email protected] (650) 867-4587
  4. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    Hi great idea to rent Duggan's Dvd and Share the cost... I live in Bay Area... my email : [email protected] my phone : (650) 867-4587 lets plan how we can do it...
  5. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    :mad: I took the exam Sunday 13 Cast Restoration # 2 ( What's that?) ..... 83 Amalgam.... ....................................... 75 Cast Restoration...................................65 Average .........74 Unsuccessful score! Fail!!!!!!! Was: 11 PFM, 19 3/4 , 13 MO... I feel...
  6. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    Hi Sumitysharma! Good post! wonderful news for us ...foreing training dentist the waiting time to take Bench we can apply for WREB and if we will aprobe then you can take the bench when they schedule and have the CA licence ... That's good!!!! Just we need to have a letter from...
  7. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    Finally my time of waiting is over...How i feel?...exited! that waiting was like don't know when is gone! Just i want to share my emotion...and wish to all my colleges in the same way good luck... I have one advise for all who still in the nightmare...Keep practice no matter if...
  8. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    Since February 2002 is my first time to get confirmation for Nov.(came in the mail today ) I really happy and ready to pass ... Don't star thinking crazies rumours about the exam... Is only one true thing: Be ready!... just practice...!! Good luck to all my colleagues who get in...
  9. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    Hello everybody....Congratulations to the lucky applicants who already pass the bench...i know several friends with good results in the last exam in April...Cheers and hurray! Who still waiting for the chance like time to return to the practice ....I wanna call to my Group .... wake up...
  10. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    I know if someone already received the confirmation card for april bench examination,because I know a friend from San Diego that already received on 1/27/05 Please let me know any news
  11. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    oh nice news mommyr...small world ha! yes ...this doctor looks pretty good and kind person, I wish have your results in the end of the journey Anyway Congratulation and have the same done in your part 4 I see you in April
  12. W

    Bay Area Bench Study Group

    You hear about Dr Thow? he was a Instructor on Duggan’s institute.. Now he teaches by his self…. I hear he is very good…(read the post # 432 of michael-ag) …and he live in the Bay area…I join to his study group for January first until April day before the test…We looking for 2 more applicants...
  13. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    I' ready for the meeting ...I see you there...just please post the address and the time. Thanks Scott.
  14. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    please sent also to me this email whit the slides for the typodond equilibration my email is : [email protected] ...thanks a lot Vickdent And Scott a totaly agree whit you increse the fees and to do a legal action to fight our rights ...and is good idea to make a meeting in the bay...
  15. W

    Bench exam ! part 01

    Is absolute necesary a legal representation for us right to take at less two times ...just if the CDB make more than two times year... We need a legal help to fight us rights... I agree to find some lawyer and we need stay together...undefinedundefined