Recent content by yeti00

  1. yeti00

    Categorical over Triple Board and the implications of applying for both?

    Agreed. People more often than not either apply to peds or psych as a backup...
  2. yeti00

    Triple Board (Peds/Psych/Child Psych)

    So, full disclosure since I started this thread like an aeon ago. I graduated from a triple board program, now I'm an attending at another triple board program. "Typical day" is the typical day for whatever service you are on (when you're on peds, it's the typical day for a pediatrics...
  3. yeti00

    Most competitive psychiatry programs

    Of course, there are others who fret over this concept, like US News (which is "prestige" based): Or, the NIH (Ca$h money based): Or, the fusion of the two...
  4. yeti00

    NRMP Regional Stats?

    log into NRMP -> My Reports -> Regional Match Statistics by Specialty yeti00
  5. yeti00

    NRMP Regional Stats?

    Thanks for the reply... I guess I'm just confused because if it was a prematch, shouldn't it change the quota listed on the directory? I know one program increased its number of spots, and that change went into the directory pretty quickly? *deep breathing* yeti00
  6. yeti00

    NRMP Regional Stats?

    Hi All, Relieved to find out I matched somewhere today, BUT, I have a question on the regional stats... According to the NRMP directory, there should be 23 spots in what I hope to match into (Peds/Psych/Child Psych), but on the Regional Stats published today, only 21 spots are listed (20...
  7. yeti00

    One Hundred Ways To Kill Time Before The 18th.

    107. Clean apartment. Again. 108. Play with Freud action figure. 109. Watch movies from 7th grade. (Watch out, "Labryinth" and "Pride and Prejudice," here I come.) 110. Fret about "Selection Sunday" - will my team make it? (It does miraculously lessen the fear about "selection monday and...
  8. yeti00

    Know any good psychiatry books (or articles)? *(Combined Sticky)*

    Thanks for all the suggestions! I've been reading voraciously in anticipation of starting intern year :) Here are some of my recs that I don't think have been mentioned yet... For those into the memoir format: "The Center Cannot Hold" by Elyn Saks...
  9. yeti00

    Reductionist Dualism?

    "Of Two Minds" Just FYI if anyone wants even MORE reading. Incredibly relevant to this thread :)
  10. yeti00

    Current M1 but looking to do summer research at another institution?

    I did the NIH Summer program - believe it's called the Summer Research Fellowship Program or something with the combination of those letters. It was great, very well organized series of lectures and a poster session at the end of the summer. Anyhow, I highly recommend it :thumbup: If you're...
  11. yeti00

    counseling for MD?

    What about psychoanalysis? Would you have to be licensed to start an analytic training program?
  12. yeti00

    The Pressure Interview

    If not saner, then at least a different axis!
  13. yeti00

    Online psych audio

    I've been listening to shrinkpod (yes, I am a gigantic dork): A bit consumer-oriented, but I find it enjoyable...
  14. yeti00

    Really like psych but ...

    I think it's common to worry about not doing physical exams (I mean, why did we learn all the medical stuff in med school if it's not going to be used)... Personally, I decided to apply triple board (throwing some Peds into the mix)... and as have already been noted there are a variety of other...
  15. yeti00

    Triple Board (Peds/Psych/Child Psych)

    Thanks, J-Rad. Now that I've actually applied, I'd love to hear opinions/experience!