Dental 5/5 waitlist with low DAT score, how should I prepare for reapplication?

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Oct 14, 2011
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First time applicant with exceptional volunteering and shadowing, strong letter of recommendation, average stats with gpa 3.47 Pre-Dental Major, sgpa 3.27, leadership and dental mission trip, Dental Club service exec 2 years, AED Medical Honors Society Club, and a DAT of 19 AA (unfortunately sub scores are lower than matriculating students 21QR,21PAT,23RC,17TS((18BIO,16GC,16OC))...initial test anxiety got the better part of me at the beginning, once my heart rate was regulated I performed well in all other subjects, although I know all candidates are faced with the same setting, followed by a mid August application complete date). Applied to all midwest dental schools with 2 pre-December interviews and 3 January interviews, all waitlisted. I am perplexed with the interview offers if it is actually my low science sub-scores if they, in particular, are what is prohibiting an offer of acceptance. Of course all of my reading and research shows nothing below a 17 is acceptable, but ad-coms would know this prior to my interview offer, correct? I feel like I possess good interview qualities and have felt positive following each school visit. I am appreciative of the waitlist opportunities, however I would very much appreciate opinions on what my chances are of actually matriculating this cycle.
I am in the process of studying to retake the DAT and will graduate in May. Insight and advice are appreciated, I am feeling a bit poorly with the limbo process and am looking for wisdom beyond the retake your test and reapply....I will be doing both but am faced with taking post bacc courses, masters or dental assisting following graduation. Hoping for a miracle and an acceptance...I will apply myself and represent the school in the most positive manner, just needing an offer of acceptance.

The DAT science scores are really low to me. I'm guessing those are key to not getting an acceptance at this time. You might have a good chance to get off the waitlists but a lot of schools really put secondary weight on some of the science scores. I've had faculty argue over which science subscore is better: bio or chem or QR, and many claim associations with low subscores and problems with academic progress (the more statistically valid arguments concern DAT vs. the NBDE). So in the end, I don't know exactly what your chances are because every school will treat the DAT information differently, and you never know who winds up being with you on the waitlist in the end when March comes around to compare against.

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Unfortunately when I actually received the invitations to interview I put off the retake....I thought if I was actually being initially considered that the rest of the application and the individual grades for the science classes in my university would offset the low DAT subsections. Aside from retaking and reapplying, what course of a gap year would be appropriate considering my statistics? Thank you for your time and feedback.
I'm not sure based on what you have provided. What work or clinical experience have you done that has taken you out of your comfort zone? Your dental mission trip doesn't count.

There's still interviewing that hasn't been ruled out. You should feel good after an interview.

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I shadowed a general dentist full time throughout one summer, I shadowed a periodontist part time for one semester, and I had a semester long internship at a non-profit dental clinic, I thoroughly enjoyed each one of these very different opportunities. The dental mission trip was the experience of a lifetime and I am looking forward to an opportunity to do one again, I was chair-side for more than 400 extractions in destitute conditions and followed up the trip with research regarding the underprivileged foreign communities that was presented at my university, this participation took 2 semesters to complete inside and outside of the classroom. Outside of these dental experiences I have been a volunteer at a non-profit health clinic for 3 years, working as a scribe and a trainer and overall do anything for anyone, I was never pre-med this is just an outreach service center that I became connected with, my goal has always been dental. I have leadership in both clubs as well as growing up working all holidays, summers and weekends in a family construction business, literally since I was about 7. I only mention this because it solidifies my manual dexterity....lots of hand tools, custom trim work, electrical and plumbing as well as years of customer interaction and grunt labor.

Following each interview I sent immediate thank you for consideration emails, as well as an academic update in between semesters. I definitely feel I communicate well with adults and professionals, so I don't presume I failed with the interview portion of consideration. In hindsight I wish I had done the retake already, and can only hope to be seriously considered for each waitlist. Do you feel there is hope at this point, or does my weak DAT sub score overshadow the rest of the application?
It's hard to say regarding your DAT scores and where you may wind up on anyone's waitlists. Again, you have a shot at each of the schools so I would plan carefully my followup to each program as we get closer to the March deadlines for candidates to narrow down their schools.
Unfortunately when I actually received the invitations to interview I put off the retake....I thought if I was actually being initially considered that the rest of the application and the individual grades for the science classes in my university would offset the low DAT subsections.
Did you indicate you'd be retaking your DAT on your application at any point? If you did, the schools may be waiting for your retake scores before they offer you a seat.
I was not questioned about my DAT at any of the schools, therefore I did not mention a retake with any of them. I honestly thought if it was the deal breaker in my application I would not have received any interview invitations....since I received 5 interviews I delayed the retake unfortunately..believing that the holistic perspective of my application was consistent with the exception of the sub scores. At this point I am studying and scheduled to retake it the end of April, however with my current academic and work schedule I cannot move it up and be confident enough to significantly improve my individual scores.

Once I have the retake score I will of course share it with each of the schools, but none of it was ever addressed up to this point.

Thank you both for your time and insight, much appreciation.
I can't speak for peers in dental admissions, but if I had interviewed you having seen those subscores, I would have mentioned the idea, and I am pretty confident many of my interviewers would have brought it up if they were allowed to view your scores.

I don't know if the interviewers at the schools you attended were blinded to your metrics when preparing to interview you (that does happen), but final decisions are almost always going to be made by faculty committee members who will have access to everything in your file, including your DAT scores. Screeners may have explicit instructions to weigh only AA and PAT for extending interview invitations, and 19AA 21 PAT isn't that bad. They did extend you an interview invitation so there were probably other desirable experiences and qualities they saw in your application, but it wasn't enough to overcome any concerns about other parts of your application at this time.
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