Dental Accepted to dental school but I have a sealed record (ACD). What should I do?

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Oct 14, 2011
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Freshman year of high school I was caught shoplifting and was never arrested or convicted because the cause was dismissed and sealed. I was given an an adjournment in completion of dismissal that basically allowed my case to be dropped without pleading anything and sealed and that after the cause was sealed my legal status would revert to what it was before.

I am not trying to hide anything from admissions and I am going to meet with the dean and explain my sealed record should it ever appear on any background checks.

My question is should I meet with the dean within a few weeks to explain my situation or wait until the first week of classes to explain
As soon as possible. Schools will get your background check by the late spring and rescinding an offer because you were not upfront with what could be discovered happens frequently

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I would like to meet with the dean but if he's not available I have also written a letter explaining my situation and was wondering if a letter would work if i cannot meet face to face
Yes a letter should work.

Note most applicants have had at least two times to disclose information such as yours. Some have waited anyway until they get an acceptance once they know what is on the background check. I still think the earlier you notify us the better, and you can ask the dean or director to follow up.

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Should I disclose why I have the sealed record (shoplifting) and the circumstance around it ? Or should I just state there I have a sealed record because my cause was dropped and sealed automatically with the ACD

Keep your response short. I would say that you are concerned that a sealed record regarding a case of shoplifting that was subsequently dropped might be reported in your CBC, but you are disclosing according to the honor guidelines for ADEA AADSAS applicants.

I just wanted to give you an update. I ended up calling admissions and they said that regarding my sealed case because it was dropped and sealed that it wouldn't affect my admissions. They just told me to call the licensing committee to see if it would pose a problem in the future
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