Common AMCAS Questions Week: W&A “Most Meaningful Experiences”

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Each day this week, we'll answer some of the most frequently asked AMCAS questions here. Let’s dive in!

How do I select my Work & Activities “Most Meaningful Experiences” entries?

Ah, the "Most Meaningful," your chance to share more about what you most value and have learned from—in seemingly random character limits of 700 and 1,325 with spaces.

We like for two of the three Most Meaningful entries to be about clinical or research experiences. If you took a gap year to work, you might make the third entry about that job. More and more applicants are working full-time after college. Even if your full-time work experience is outside the medical field, you're learning in a competitive, stressful environment. This is attractive to schools.

Our advice for drafting your Most Meaningful entries: In the initial 700, share your role and duties, what you valued about the role, and start to say what you gained from it through a singular example. In the 1,325, deepen the anecdote that exemplifies what you brought to and took from the experience.

Review our blog for more on writing your W&A section.

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