Application Tips with Apply Point: Update Letters

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Post-interview, naturally, you'll have the urge to be proactive as you wait for a school's decision. In the weeks after your interview—say, two to three weeks in—you should send a letter reiterating your interest to keep the admissions office thinking about you. We're going to go ahead and say that you should send an update letter to every school where you’ve interviewed, unless you absolutely hated one or two and are confident that you'll get in elsewhere. You should also be writing to schools you’ve yet to hear from to remind them that you’re eager to connect. Keep in mind:
  • You want to send a maximum of two Update Letters over a six to 10-week period that reiterate your interest in each school with program-specific details.
  • It should include that if admitted, you will likely attend. (A letter of intent to your first choice school is different, we’ll cover that soon!)
  • And only send letters that include a substantive accomplishment. If you don’t think you have one—you do! Do you have an updated GPA…. given a noteworthy presentation… garnered additional clinical experiences?

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