Medical Are there "needy" schools that I can possibly contact?

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Member Question
Volunteer Staff
Mar 22, 2021
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Hi Everyone,

I recently called one of the schools I applied, since it has well passed the 2 months mark. I immediately received II the next week.

I've heard mixed suggestions about calling schools to check in for status. I think the unanimous agreement is not to, since it will only bring extra work for schools and bother them. However, I also feel like some schools are known to be "needy" and want to be contacted. Do you think I should continue calling schools (unless they say explicitly do not contact) or it's still better not to? Are there are "needy" schools I should focus on sending LOI and updates?

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I mean you say the unanimous consensus is not to do that, so why do you think we would tell you something different?

I would not do this, and the II you received was likely coincidental that it came after your phone call. But if you insist on doing this because it makes you feel better (and frankly it feels like you are hoping to be told something, rather than genuinely asking a question) then there is no "list" of needy schools. Your best bet would be trying to look at websites, eliminate schools that explicitly say they don't want to be contacted, and then among the rest either look for schools that "welcome" updates or where there may be some reports in prior school specific threads one way or the other of how reaching out did or didn't help.
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I've heard mixed suggestions about calling schools to check in for status. I think the unanimous agreement is not to, since it will only bring extra work for schools and bother them.
This seems contradictory.

The best time to find out is on your interview day. Don't act desperate unless they want you to.

Maybe the II came as a result of your email. Unless the admissions team is really small, it usually has very little impact unless they are trying to quickly fill in an interview spot. You never really know.
When I was interviewing for medical schools, I also emailed one school I was particularly interested in because I had not heard back. They sent me an II the next day. I thought it was due to my email...nope. Many other people I knew also got emails that same day hahha.
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