Medical Could my acceptance be rescinded for this?

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Mar 12, 2013
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My whole application I talked about wanting to do FM and focus on childhood development for underserved communities. I did research in this and lots of volunteering etc. It was the whole theme of my app.

HOWEVER during my gap year I have been doing a neuroscience research year and was able to shadow some neurosurgeries and talk with a couple neurosurgeons and I have become really interested in doing pediatric neurosurgery.

I just got my first A (!!!!) to my top choice. And they have several accelerated 3+X programs, including FM, neurology and neurosurgery. I emailed the program coordinators for all three of these. The neurosurgery coordinator emailed me back asking if I had expressed interest on my secondary application for the program I said no. (But I did talk to one of my interviewers about my budding NSGY interest though when we discussed my research year, and he encouraged me to apply.)

Now I'm nervous that if they realize I'm interested in neurosurgery as well, that they could rescind my acceptance if my app seemed kind of misleading like I only wanted to do FM. Could this potentially happen, or am I just being really crazy????
I think you are being crazy. Haha. Feelings change and you have enough volunteering to back what you said about FM.

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You are being really crazy. Unless you were explicitly accepted into a track which commits you to FM, nobody cares what you thought you were going to specialize in when you were applying.
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Thank you very much to both of you for replying, it's very reassuring. It's been an emotional rollercoaster of an application cycle and I think it's gone to my head. I was just really categorical in my interest in a primary care field in my app, which I was so convinced of at the time, and I am tremendously worried that my immediate emails about multiple other specialties after acceptance could change everything. I will try to stop worrying.
...just don’t say you wanna do dentistry and you should be fine.
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Update for my confidential consult committee: As you may have expected, my offer has not been rescinded. I have snapped out of my temporary hysteria, realized how ridiculous this question was in the first place, and I feel extremely silly for the frenzy I worked myself into over nothing. Pretty sure that finally getting into med school broke my brain for a couple days haha.

On the day of my original post, I actually asked my poor mother to wait to tell family members about my acceptance in case it was retracted.

I'll just be over here under a rock for a little while.
Glad you came around. Welcome to medical school!
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