Dental DAT Time frame

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DDS 🦷🎓✔
Volunteer Staff
7+ Year Member
Dec 25, 2016
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I was just curious how the time frame of the DAT works. For example, we have 90 min for the survey of natural sciences part, but does our time end every 30 min per section and move on to the next section or does it just continue regardless of whether your on the bio, genchem, or orgo section? Also, after the 30 min break where we have to do math, pat, and reading, does the time work the same way or does it just stop after the time frame allowed for each section and move on to the next section right away?
For your first question, the latter- the 90 min timer starts and just continues. You just get 90 minutes to answer 100 science questions, in whatever order you want. If I recall correctly, PAT is before the 30 minute break, and then again you get 60 minutes to answer 90 PAT questions, in whatever order you want. After the 30 minute break, you get 60 minutes for 50 RC questions, and when those 60 minutes are up, it immediately jumps to 45 minutes for 40 QR questions. Hope this clarified things!

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