Dental Gap year Job (Lab tech at dental school or Job in industry)

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Oct 14, 2011
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I am a senior and I have been planning to take a gap year before dental school for as long as I can remember. I thought it would be a good opportunity to save some money and recharge before the rigors of dental school. I have a light load this semester and plan on taking the DAT in June an applying as early in the cycle soon as possible. I feel like I have the extracurriculars and grades to be a competitive applicant, but of course the DAT is a big variable at the moment (3.58 cGPA, science a bit higher, overall a bit lower). I am a statistics major, which has given me a bit of a diverse educational background and will hopefully help when applying

My question is in regards to have a productive gap year. I currently have two offers on the table. One of which is to be a Lab Technician for a research group. I have been working in the lab for the past year and the PI has offered me a position. The pay is about $10/hr and I would work 40 hr/wk. The second option is at a clothing company as a decision analyst and the pay would be $60k/yr and I would be able to live at home with my parents, thus saving all of the money.

I am completely stuck between the two options. The money is certainly better at the clothing company and would allow me to avoid some early on student loans and interest on those loan dollars (the most expensive dollars would be at the beginning). I fear that if I remove myself from the field of dentistry that I would appear to not be as committed to the profession as I truly am. Additionally, the PI would likely write an extraordinary letter or rec if I were to stay (probably still good if I leave, but I am not sure). If pay was equal I would do the lab work because I love the work, but it isn't. Ultimately, getting into dental school is the goal and I am just wondering if I can make the money, live at home, and then justify the decision during an interview/personal statement.

Is there a reason why you can't do some shadowing or volunteering whenever you're not working at the clothing company? You'll meet many people in dental school who have switched careers or decided to work for a while to pay off undergraduate debt or get some savings before dental school, and most of them do manage to stay involved even on a volunteer basis.

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